[14]: Nakamura

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You could've described his face before you even saw him

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You could've described his face before you even saw him.

It was impossible to misjudge such predictable features. And no, not predictable in his slanted eyes, tall figure, or jet-black hair.

No—he was predicable in his brutally large scar that slits one eyebrow in two, and causes discoloration along the whole left side of his face.

And incredibly predictable in his voice.

His way of communication. His elective weapon as the very first attack at the beginning of any altercation. Always his first move: his voice.

His livelihood.

His name.

"Suzuki?!" he called back into the halls of his home, throwing his loud, booming voice towards his placid homestay wife who had just been tending to some mopping.

"Coming!" she replied in a haste before her quick footsteps could be heard quickly approaching. "Ah! You must be the new helpers!" she cheered.

You nodded with a smile. "Pleasure to meet you." Reaper said.

"Come in, come in," she took your arm gently, persuading you through the door, "Goodness me! You look so lovely in your uniform, Yuna."

Reaper didn't think twice about the name she referred to you as; he knew you both had to create fake names to go by. He just wished he had chosen something cooler than 'Carl'.

"It's lovely to meet you both. And I must say how pleased my husband and I are to finally have some help around this dump," she started guiding you both through the home. "Our previous cleaners didn't stick around too long."

Your eyebrow stuck up.

The husband sent a chilling glare in his wife's direction. A silent warning.

Of course you noticed.

As you walked through the halls, it became apparent that it was surprisingly difficult to take in everything around you in all at once.

Here and there, there were unnamed men in suits that could be seen walking in and throughout the nearby hallways. Silent as mice.

You were being watched.

Around the walls, and on all sorts of display cabinets you noticed many priceless items, heirlooms and other items of that nature.

You could practically smell the secrets that lie hidden in the walls.

Not to mention, the fact that you and Reaper both had sneaky brains and had to remember to be thinking sneaky thoughts.

You have to make mental notes of everything.

Hiding places.

Blackmail content.

Escape routes.

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