14 - our little experiment

Start from the beginning

Kaito giggles at the prospect of us being abandoned by a pro-hero and I can't help but smile along with him.

I open the back car door for him and he happily climbs in. "Buckle up," I tell him as I get in the front passenger seat. 

I look at all the neat gadgets inside and admit it's actually a really nice car. I say just as much which in turn puffs up Bakugou's ego even more.

He turns the car on and revs it, making Kaito (and myself) break into huge grins. He smirks back in response, "I know."


Did my heart just skip a beat?!


It didn't.

There's no way.

He winks and I curse my body for having the nerve to be affected by it.

I feel my cheeks begin to heat up so I turn away from him and stare at the empty parking lot instead.

He pulls out of the parking space and drives out into the street, "So, where to?" he asks.

I shake off the strange feeling and breathe out, "I don't know . . . should we go shopping first or head to my place?"

But before Bakugou can choose an option Kaito screams, "Shopping first!!"

My apprehensiveness disappears with his adorable voice, so I happily instruct Bakugou, "Time to go to the mall then."

Bakugou speeds up with the destination in mind and zooms through the freeway.

I would normally be concerned with how comfortable he is speeding while a child is in the car, but I'm just glad he doesn't drive like Miss Daisy - that would've been extremely annoying.


Kaito browses through the entire store before settling on a pair of all-black vans.

"Those are the ones you want?" I ask.

He nods back eagerly, "Yup, I want these."

We head over to the register and I pay for them. I hand him the bag and he practically hugs them to his chest, "Thank you (Y/n)!!"

I pat his head, "You're welcome, cutie."

We exit the store and Kaito is struggling with all the bags he's holding. I try to take one or two from him, but he won't let me. Muttering about how a lady shouldn't have to carry someone else's bags. I would've normally melted upon hearing that, but it's kinda hard when he's literally huffing and puffing.

Bakugou seems to have had enough when he firmly grasps two of the bags, lightening Kaito's load. Kaito looks up at him with questioning eyes but doesn't voice his concerns. He just utters a sheepish "Thanks."


We make it out to the parking lot and they both load up all of Kaito's new accessories into the trunk.

Bakugou and I then decide that we should go back for my car since it was stupid of us to only take one.

So as soon we get back to the office, I turn around to face Kaito and ask if he wants to ride with me or Bakugou.

His gaze shifts back and forth between the two of us when he crosses his arms and announces "I'll go with whoever lets me ride in the front!"

Haha, this little punk.

new girl in town (bakugou katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now