"Like what?"

The boy shrugged. "I dunno. Er, your favorite colour is green, despite you endless hatred for Slytherin. I know that."

Olly raised an eyebrow; she had to admit, she was surprised her even remembered her saying that. "Is that it?" she asked quietly, still not making eye contact.

Sirius shook his head. "Nope," he said, smirking. "Er, I'm aware of the fact that you're academically paranoid."

Olly snorted, shaking her head. "Every knows that," she reminded him.

"I still know it," Sirius grinned. When there was no answer, he sighed. "Okay, look, Olly. I don't know a whole bunch about you, but I'm willing to learn everything about your entire family tree if that's what it takes to get you. I really, really, really, fancy you, and I know you kinda hate me right now but I'm trying to fix that. And don't try to tell me you don't fancy me either-"

"Oh, I see you haven't changed," Olly snorted, though her heart was pounding more than ever now. "What makes you think I feel that way?"

"Well when I went to talk to Rachel about it she avoided the topic like it was the plague and ended up getting out of me what I was trying to get out of her. So.. I guessed," Sirius said, letting out a nervous chuckle.

Olly sighed uncomfortably as she got the feeling like someone was watching her. It was probably Sirius, but to be honest, that thought right now didn't make her any more comfortable. As if to answer her awkwardness, she felt something warm and soft brush up against her cheek. She froze up in her seat and tensed as she turned slightly to see Sirius reaching over to her, his long fingers tucking a stray piece of black hair behind her ear. She felt her breaths become slightly quicker and she was aware that her cheeks were very flushed by now. "You might be right," she whispered, almost inaudibly. But, of course, Sirius heard her.

A giant grin spread it's way across his face as he gazed at her, while she faced him, her eyes flitting to look at everything besides his eyes. The book, table, shelves, his nose, ears... his lips. Taking a bold move, Sirius scooted closer to Olly on the bench, so now they were about five or six inches apart. "I might?" he asked in a low tone, inching even closer. He leaned forward a bit, ducking his head down. His face was barely an inch away from Olly's.

She nodded, still avoiding his gaze. She wanted to pull away, to put some distance between her and the boy she was supposed to be mad at, but it was like some invisible was holding her hostage in the position she sat in. There was no possible way she could move away. And maybe it was because secretly she didn't want to. "Mhm," she managed to squeak out quietly. "Statistically, you have to be right one of these times," she teased him weakly, as if speaking such a lengthy sentence right now made her want to vomit.

All of the sudden, it was like all the air had been sucked out of her lungs, literally. One moment she was just sitting there, staring at Sirius' nose, and the next moment there was a hand behind her head that pulled her towards him. Olly's heart lept into her throat as their lips connected, sending tingles all across her body. The large hand that was behind her head moved down to sit on the back of her neck, while Sirius' other hand went to her waist. Olly leaned forward slightly and rested a hand on his knee to keep from falling forward, her other hand snaked behind him and pressed on the small of his back. Their lips moved together in sync, and it was as if every emotion in the past weeks, all the ones that had been bottles up were pouring out in that one kiss. If it were possible, Sirius pulled Olly ever closer, still connected to her.

It wasn't until his hand came off her neck and up to cup her cheek did Olly realize what was happening. She let out a slight gasp, causing Sirius to break away. The two stared at each other in silence, stunned. Did that really just happen? Neither of them said a word as Olly blushed again and looked away, scooting away from Sirius. "I'm sorry," she blurted, causing a frown to make it's way onto Sirius' face.

Egotistic // Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now