Chapter 58: Date

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Kinjal's P.O.V

We're still on tour. We are enjoying alot but sometimes we get tired and bored in the bus. Today Justin is taking me out on a date. I just had a shower and now I'm looking for an outfit to wear. I'm in a mood of wearing a saree, so I took out my plain netted pink and purple saree. It was purple but the bottom has a shade of pink and my blouse is also pink backless, sleeveless with thin strap. I wore the saree and pinned the pallu on my left shoulder. The pallu went from middle of my breast so you can see the blouse and was netted so you can also see my stomach. I straightened my hair and kept it open on my left shoulder. I applied mascara, eyeliner, strawberry flavour lip gloss. I wore my gold chain without locket, anklet, rings, mini diamond nose piercing, long pink earrings and bracelet. I didn't take my clutch. I wore my purple heels and took a glance at the mirror. I was satisfied with my look. Hannah and Jason came in the room

Hannah: Mom you look so pretty. I also want dress like you.

Me: We'll buy one for you sweetheart

Jason: Mom you look beautiful. Dad is going to be so surprised

Me: Thank you and you guys stay with grandma ok and don't cause any trouble

Jason: Yes mom don't worry

I kissed their forehead

Justin: Wow baby you look gorgeous as always

He was wearing a black v neck and black jeans with red leather jacket and red supras and a gold chain in his neck

Me: Thanks and you look handsome as always

I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek

Justin: I want a real kiss

He whispered

Me: Kids are here Jay

I whispered back. I handed him my cell, he kept in his pocket. He took my hand and went out of the bus. He took me to the car which was rented for us when we are on tour. He opened the door for me, I thanked him and got in the car. He got in the driver's seat and started driving. He took my left hand and drived with one hand. When we reached the restaurant there were paparazzi. He got out and opened the door for me, I blushed and thanked him. He held my waist and we smiled at the paparazzi and entered the restaurant.

Me: Indian Restaurant?

I asked surprised. He smirked and nodded.

Justin: Reservation for Bieber

Manager: Right this way sir

He took us to the other side of the restaurant. The other customers who were in the restaurant were smiling, giggling and squealing when they saw Justin. Justin smiled that heart warming smile at them. When we reached our table, he pulled out the chair for me. He sat opposite facing me. The manager handed us a menu

Manager: Your waiter will come accompany you

We nodded and he left. I smiled and opened the menu. When I decided what I wanted I kept the menu on the table. Justin smiled and held my hand over the table. I smiled and interwined our fingers. Someone cleared their throat. We looked up and saw a waitress with a tight shirt and short skirt, she was showing more cleavage for my liking. I rolled my eyes.

Waitress: Hi Namaste. I'm Zoya your waitress for tonight. Are you ready to order?

She asked Justin flirting with him and twirling her hair with her finger completely ignoring my presence

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