Chapter 23: Surprise

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Next Day

Kinjal's P.O.V

I woke up at 8 am. I took a shower and washed my hair. I left my hair down to dry by itself, they were in natural curls. I wore black shorts, white button up shirt with 3/4th sleeves, gold small chain without locket, diamond studded earrings, white watch, left leg anklet and ring. I woke up the kids.

Me: Good Morning

Jake, Jess and Jenny: Good Morning

Me: How are feeling Jenny?

Jenny: I'm feeling better now. I can play right?

Me: Yes sweetie but not today we are going out

Jake: Where

Jess: Is uncle Jase and aunt Mel are coming too?

Me: You all know Justin Bieber right?

They nodded

Me: Well he is our neighbour and he is taking us out today. Now go get ready, I'll make breakfast

They nodded and left my room. I made my bed and looked out at my balcony and saw Justin shirtless on his balcony, stretching and yawning. I also went out on the balcony.

Wow he has an amazing body. I was watching his abs, muscles and tattoos. I so wanted badly to trace those tattoos with my finger. I have seen him but I'm noticing him for the 1st time this close and for real, not in a picture. Seeing a picture and seeing in reality are 2 different things.

Justin: Like what you see

He asked smirking, I folded my arms on my chest

Me: I'm enjoying the view

I replied smirking and winked at him. He was surprised with my comeback

Me: Good Morning

Justin: Morning, wow you are ready already

Me: What I'm not even ready

I unfolded my arms

Justin: Yeah you are, you're cute

I blushed and looked down so that I can hide my face with my hair.

Me: No I'm not. Just see me when I get ready

Justin: Ok

I smiled and waved him bye, went downstairs and started making breakfast. When I finished making the breakfast, I set the table. The kids came and sat on the table. I placed pancakes, scrambled eggs on the plates, poured orange juice in the glass and gave it to the kids.

Jake: So mom you didn't tell us where we are going

Me: I don't know. He didn't tell me

Jess: Wow we're going out with Justin Bieber

Jenny: I can't believe it

They squealed and giggled. Jake rolled his eyes

Jake: What do girls see in him? He is just a singer. That's it

Jenny: You're just jealous

Jess: Yeah

Jake: Me and jealous. And that too because of him, no way. I'm just tired of it, girls in the school also do the same thing.

Me: Ok that's enough. Finish your breakfast

We finished breakfast and kids went in the living room to watch TV. I washed the dishes and went upstairs to my room. I kept my straightner to get heated. I applied mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss and started straightening my hair. I took some hair from both the sides and tied in a white clip in the middle and brushed my flicks to the left side with my fingers. I took my black side bag which comes to my hip. Took some money, credit card kept in the bag, took my cell and kept in the pocket of my shorts and went downstairs.

I saw the time it was 10:30. The kids were watching Mickey Mouse Club House so I sat with them. Jake was wearing khaki 3/4th shorts and a white t shirt with some print on it. Jess was wearing a light pink floral dress which came to her mid thigh. Jenny was wearing blue jean short with yellow sleeveless t shirt with "Rockstar" written on it in sparkling black. I heard the door bell ring, I got up and opened the door. It was Justin. He was wearing black sagging jeans, white t shirt with a black leather jacket. When he saw me his jaw dropped. Seriously why do boys have this reaction seeing me. I closed his mouth, stood on my tippy toes, lean to his ear and whispered

Me: Like what you see?

I smirked and left the door open so that he can come in.

Me: Girls Justin's here

They jumped and squealed, they stopped when Justin came in.

Justin: Hey baby girls, I'm Justin

They giggled, Jake rolled his eyes.

Jess: We know

Jenny: You're so handsome

Justin: Thanks baby girl, you both look like a princess

Jake: Mom where are we going

Justin: It's a surprise buddy. She doesn't know

Justin went to Jake whispered something in his ear, they both nodded at each other. They both looked at me and winked.

Me: What's going on?

I placed my hand on my hip and leaned on one foot

Justin: Nothing

He smiled innocently and Jake chuckled

Justin: C'mon Leggo

We left the house and locked it. Justin had brought his white Ferrari, the kids sat in the back, he opened the door for me. I blushed and replied

Me: Thanks

He ran to the driver's seat and entered the car and started driving.

Me: Where are we going?

Justin: It's a surprise.

I pouted and batted my eyelashes

Justin: It's not working on me

I huffed and crossed my arms on my chest and looked out of the window.

What's the surprise?


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