Chapter 35: Mrs. Bieber

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4th January 2023

Kinjal's P.O.V

Today is the day I'm getting married. Justin decided to get married on my birthday. The theme of the wedding is purple and white. My family had come to California for the wedding. The paparazzi and some fans were allowed to come for the wedding.

Mel: Will you hold your breath for sometime so I can zip up the zipper

I did as I was told. My dress was white with thin strap, it was sparkling at the top and bottom, it had a slit from my thigh to the bottom on the left. My hair was tied in a bun with white flowers pinned on the left. My makeup was natural. I was wearing my promise ring in right hand ring finger, engagement ring in the right hand apex finger and white heels. Melissa, Dolly, Khushi were my bridesmaids. Jake and Jaxon are the ring bearer, Jess, Jenny and Jazzy are flower girls. Ryan, Chaz and Alfredo are Justin's best men's. Ryan and my sister Dolly are dating. Pattie came in the room and gasped, I turned around.

Pattie: Oh my god. Your looking so beautiful

Me: Thank you. You are too looking beautiful

Pattie: Turn around and sit down

I did as I was told

Me: Why

I looked at her in the mirror.

Pattie: I want you to wear this hair clip. This is our family traditional clip. Diana had worn this on her wedding and I also had worn this. So I want you to wear it

She clipped it in my hair. Jeremy came in the room.

Me: Thank you

They started to leave.

Me: Wait. Can I ask you both something?

Pattie: Yaa

Me: Can I call you mom and dad?

I looked down. She lifted my chin.

Pattie: Of course sweetie you can

Me: Thank you

I hugged them both, they kissed my forehead and left. All the girls came in the room with my mom and dad.

Dolly: Didi you're looking gorgeous. I can't believe you are getting married

Me: Me too

Mom: I wanted you to marry in Indian style, but as long as you are happy I'm ok with it.

Me: Thanks mom

Dad: Ready princess?

I took a deep breath and nodded. Jazzy, Jess and Jenny went in the front. Khushi, Melissa and Dolly followed after them. I clutched my hand tightly to my dad's arm.

Me: Don't let me fall Dad

Dad: I'll never let you fall

He handed me the bouquet. I took it. The wedding march started. We started walking down the aisle, I looked at everyone. Justin's family, friends, crew and my family, friends were there smiling. I looked at the end of the aisle and saw Justin standing there smiling, looking as perfect as ever in his black tuxedo. I smiled back. When we reached at the end. I hugged my dad tightly.

Me: I love you dad

Dad: I love you too

Dad handed my hand to Justin. I looked at him in the eyes. I couldn't stop smiling. The priest kept rambling but we zoned out. It was time for the vows.

Priest: Do you Justin Drew Bieber take Ms. Kinjal Amar Nayaka as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, in rich and poor, in happiness and sadness, in sickness and health, till death shall break you apart?

Justin: I do

Priest: Do you Kinjal Amar Nayaka take Mr. Justin Drew Bieber as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, in rich and poor, in happiness and sadness, in sickness and health, till death shall break you apart?

Me: I do

Priest: Can I have the rings?

Jake and Jaxon gave the rings. We exchanged our rings

Priest: The power invested in me, I may now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now.........

Before he could finish, Justin pulled me in a passionate kiss. My arms around his neck and his hands on my waist.

Priest: Kiss the bride.

He finished the sentence, everyone laughed and cheered. I pulled away from the kiss and blushed.

Me: Impatient much?

Justin: Very

We walked down the aisle, I threw the bouquet back. I turned around and saw my sister had catched it. I smiled.

Justin: Ready to go Mrs. Bieber

Me: Yes Mr. Bieber

I linked my arm with him and went to the limo.


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