Chapter 6: Talk and Decision

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After 2 days

Kinjal's P.O.V

I just woke up. But I was just in the bed staring at the ceiling and just thinking. Last 2 days no one talked about what uncle said. But I knew they were all thinking about it. And today is the day they'll talk about it and ask me about my opinion. I'm not sure I want to go but at the same time I don't want to. Ughh I am so confused and frustrated. I want to avoid that topic but I know if as usual everyone ignored talking about it then my sister will talk about it for sure.

I finally got out of bed. Took most wanted hot shower. Hot showers always help me to think and relax. I got out dried my body, wore my robe and went to my room. I changed into skinny dark blue jeans, green button up see through shirt. I wore my anklet and ring, wore my small gold chain, watch, long earrings and diamond nose piercing. I was planning on meeting my cousin brother (Bunty but his real name is Pragnesh) from my Mother's side. He always helps me in everything. And gives great advice. I took my side bag which comes at my hip. Took out my green converse in my hand, car keys and went downstairs.

Me: Mom I'm going to Bhavana Masi's house (She is my mom's elder sister and Bunty's mother)

Mom: Ok tell her Hi and come back till lunch time

Me: Ok

Indians don't where footwear in the house. So when I stepped out of the house I leaned on the wall outside and wore my converse. I got in the car and drove off to my brother's house.

I reached the house at 11 am. I ranged the door bell and was waiting. Bhavana Masi opened the door and let me in. I greeted her smiling.

Me: Hello Masi how are you and yaa mom said hi to you

Masi: I'm fine dear. And you also say hi to her.

Me: Ok. Masi where is Bunty and Hardik (He is Bunty's younger brother)

Masi: Bunty is in his room and Hardik went to Karate classes.

Me: Ok I came here to talk to Bunty

Masi: Ok you can go to his room. Do you want something to eat or drink

Me: No thanks Masi

Masi: No problem

I went to his room and saw that he was sitting on the bed doing something in his cell with nothing but only shorts. If I was not his sister than I would have jumped on him and kissed the hell out of him. But I controlled myself. But sister or not I can still check him out right? So I did. He was shirtless in khaki 3/4th shorts and his hair was still damp due to shower. You can see his abs. Damn he is looking so hot. I bit my lip.

Me: Hey Bunty what are you doing

I asked entering his room and flopping down on the bed beside him. He kept his cell on the night stand and replied.

Bunty: Nothing what are you doing here? You should have called me I would have come to your house

Me: I wanted to get out of the house and you must be knowing very well why I am here

Bunty: Yaa I know

We sat in comfortable silence

Bunty: Well congratulations

He hugged me. I hugged back and whispered a thank you. He sat at the beds headboard and I sat besides him placing my head on his shoulder. I took his left arm in my hand and was playing with his fingers. We were just sitting in silence. After a while I decided to speak.

Me: What do you think I should say yes or no?

Bunty: Don't ask me Kinju. What do you want to do?

Me: I don't know I'm totally confused Bunty. It's just that sometimes I feel like I should accept it because its a great opportunity. I feel lucky that it has been offered to me. But sometimes I feel like if I accept then I have to leave India and everyone of you behind and start a new life.

I poured my heart to him truthfully.

Bunty: I think you should go

I looked at him raising my eyebrow. He signed

Bunty: I mean its only for 6 months, if you don't like it than you can come back again but if you like it then you can continue. And it will be a great experience to you.

Me: But you'll not be there with me

I said pouting. He chuckled and pinched my cheeks. I pouted more.

Bunty: But if you go than you know we will also get the chance to go out of India to meet you. We will go to different places in California.

Me: You know you are the best

Bunty: I know

He said and popped his invisible collar. I just laughed and hit him with the pillow. Afterwards we were just chilling and talking about random things. I checked the time it was 1:30 am.

Me: I should leave now mom told me to come back at lunch

Bunty: Ok

He hugged me I hugged back and left

Me: Bye

Bunty: Bye

Me: Bye Masi

Masi: Wait have lunch with us

Me: No Masi, maybe some other time

Masi: Ok bye

Me: Bye

I drove back to home. I got out of car took of my shoes held in my hand and went to my room. I kept my shoes in my wardrobe. I freshened up and went downstairs.

I had lunch with everyone and told them about my decision. Surprisingly they had also decided the same thing so the agreed with me

Me: I'll call Dhiru Uncle in the evening

Everyone: Okay

I got back to my room and saw that it was 3pm. I think I should take a nap. I changed into sweats and got in my bed and went to sleep.

I woke up at 5pm I washed my face and went in my room. I made the bed and sat on my desk checking my emails, Facebook and Twitter.

I then remembered I had to call Dhiru Uncle to let him know my decision. So I called him. He picked up after 3 rings.

Uncle: Hello

Me: Um.....Hi Dhiru Uncle its me Kinju

Uncle: Hi kiddo

Me: I called to let you know that I have decided

I went in to my balcony and scratched my neck awkwardly

Uncle: And..?

Me: I accept it.......!!!

Ding Ding Ding



I know some of you had already guessed the answer and well you're right......!!

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