Chapter 4: Meet My Family

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Kinjal's P.O.V

I woke up with the sound of knocking on the car window. I checked the time it was 5:30 am. I saw that my grandma was knocking on the window smiling. My grandma has diabetes so she wakes up early in the morning for a walk. I unlocked the car and got out I hugged her tight.

Grandma: Slow down Kinja

Me: Dadi (I call my grandma Dadi and granddad Dada)

Grandma: When did you come? And why you were sleeping in the car?

Me: I came back at 2 am in the morning everyone was sleeping that's why I didn't wake you all and slept in the car (I said scratching my head slightly)

Grandma: Ok go inside and sleep

I was very tired so I just took my cell and purse and entered my house, I took a deep breath entering the house. Ahh Home Sweet Home. I quietly went to my room which is on 2nd floor without making any noise. I kept my purse on my vanity chair and kept my cell on charge on bedside table. I just took the first pj's that came in my hand from my wardrobe and changed got under the covers and instantly fell asleep. My bed was just a medium sized but was enough for me.

I was woken up by jumping on the bed. I woke up and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and saw that my 2 cousins were jumping on the bed which are the youngest one (Harshu and Tapu). I got up and started tickling them. After a while I stopped and hugged them and kissed. My sister and other 2 cousins came in the room I hugged and kissed them.

(Kajal is the eldest one but she is married, after her it's Me, then its Hiten or Lalu he is my cousin and is real brother to Kajal, then its my real sister Hetal or Dolly, then are my 2nd Uncles kids Khushboo or Khushi, Harshita or Harshu and Mayank or Tapu)

(My dad is the eldest one then it's my 1st uncle with Kajal and Hiten their mom is not anymore than it's my 2nd uncle and aunt)

Me: Ok everyone I'm awake now you all go down I'll get ready and come down

Everyone left my room I checked the time on my room's wall it was 9 am. I got out of the bed took my towel, robe and undergarments to the bathroom. I took a most wanted hot shower it relaxed all my muscles which were sore from driving. I got out of shower, dried my body, wore my undergarments along with my robe and tied my hair with the towel and went to my room.

I changed into 3/4th blue jeans and sleeve less Being Human white T - shirt. I wore my anklet and ring, diamond studded earrings, mini diamond nose piercing and took my cell phone, certificate which I had already framed and went down to the kitchen. I saw the time it was 10.

Me: Mummy (Yup I still call my mom Mummy)

Mom (Asha): Kinju.....!!! When did you came?

She exclaimed hugging me.

Me: 2 am in the morning. Dadi woke me up at 5:30 am and told me to sleep in the room.

Mom: You could have woke me up dear.

Me: I know Ma. But I didn't want to disturb you.

Mom slapped me on the arm playfully

Mom: A mother never gets disturbed because of their kids

Me: Mom I'm not a kid anymore

Mom: I know but you'll always be a kid to me

Me: Ta....Da.....!!! (I exclaimed showing my certificate)

Mom: Oh My God......!!! (She took the certificate with right hand and cupped her mouth with left hand)

She started crying. Seeing her cry I also started crying.

Me: Oh Ma don't cry please

I hugged her.

Mom: These are happy tears sweetie

Dad (Amar): Asha will you bring me a cup of tea?

Dad shouted from the living room.

Mom: Ok...ay

Her voice cracked because of crying. Hearing her voice Dad entered into the kitchen concerned to check up on her. But got surprised seeing me there. I just dashed into my Dad's arms and hugged him tight. He stiffened at first but hugged me back. I'm a daddy's girl from childhood but you can see we don't have a relationship of touch. It's the first time in so many years that I have contacted with my dad physically. India is different it's not like other countries of the world. I don't have any physical contact with my mother either. That's why I easily get jealous of my sister because she atleast have physical connection with mom. But me being the elder one don't have physical connection with my parents. Whenever I tried they used to scold me that I'm not a kid. I grave for physical touch.

That's the thing I always wish for. For anyone to hold me whenever I need to be hold. It can be anyone my friends parents grandparents or anyone but I don't think its possible.

Me: Pappa (I call my dad Pappa) I completed my Chartered Accountancy.

I told him showing my certificate smiling brightly. My Dad is not an emotional type of person, he is of strict type but today I saw the unexpected. He started shedding happy tears. I decided to tease him.

Me: Dad are you crying?

Dad: No my eyes are leaking

Mom and I just laughed at him.

Dad and I then went to the living room. I saw that my whole family was present there. They all congratulated me and we just talked and spend some family time.

Dad: So what are you planning of doing in the future?

He asked me seriously. See thats my Dad.

Me: Continuing my present job under the CA. Afterwards I'll think about something.

I replied shrugging

Dad: Ok

After that in the afternoon I remembered my suitcase was still in the car. So I went to the car took my suitcase to my room and started unpacking.

My room is a simple creamish colour with a shade of light yellow. I know its bright but it was my mom's choice. In the middle is a medium sized bed, besides the door is my computer desk and bookshelf (I have a habit of reading novels) on the other side of the bed is my wardrobe its not big but enough for me. Besides the wardrobe is a full length mirror, and the door towards the balcony. The wall across my bed is full of family pictures. I have decorated it like a family tree. On my left bedside is my vanity with mirror and some draws with makeup I'm not a fan of makeups but my sister likes the most. Besides my vanity is the computer desk. On my right is a lamp and a table with draws have my JB stuff like album cds, movies cds and books all about him. I have to keep them locked otherwise my sister would steal it from me. And I always keep the key with me.

Whole day went pretty much well doing nothing just talking with family, playing with my siblings and helping mom with all the work.

Well that's my family.

Let's see what the future brings.


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