Chapter 55

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24th October 2029

Justin's P.O.V

It's been a month, since Kinjal moved in with us. We all are very happy. Connor and Maria are also with us. Pregnancy hormones are very hard to handle. Dolly, Melissa and Maria always crave for some or the other thing. It was very funny if you ask me, to see Jase, Ryan and Connor trying to handle their mood swings. But we all managed it. All 3 of them 9 months are over and they are going to deliver soon. Connor proposed to Maria and she said yes. It's 11 pm, we all had our dinner and were sitting in the living room. Kinjal brought ice cream for everyone and handed everyone. She sat besides me on the couch.


He got up, went towards Bella and got on his one knee. Everyone gasped.

Jake: Bella I love you. You are the only girl who I love after my mom and sisters. I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?

Bella: Yes

Jake placed the ring in Bella's finger and kissed her

Hannah: Eww

Kinjal: Jake

Everyone laughed and congratulated them.

Kinjal: You were already part of the family, but then to. Welcome to the family Bella officially

Bella: Thank you mom

Kinjal smiled

Jake: Mom dad, I want to tell you something

Me: What

Jake: Since Jess and Jenny will get married, their surnames are going to change as their husbands. But I want to keep my surname Nayaka I don't want to change it as Bieber. If you are ok with it.

Me: I don't mind

Kinjal: But Jake why

Jake: I want to know everyone me through you. And your mom dad don't have any boy to grow your family so I want to pass on your name to my family.

Kinjal: Aww Thank you Jake

Jake: It's nothing mom

We all were watching TV, when all 3 pregnant ladies gasped.

Dolly, Melissa and Maria: Our water broke

Me: Together

Melissa: We can't control it idiot

Kinjal: Jay

Me: Sorry

Kinjal: Ryan, Jase and Connor you take them to the hospital. We will come behind you with your bags

They nodded and took them to the car and left.

Kinjal: Juju, Kiara, Ryder and Hannah you all stay here with Jake, Bella, Jess, Chris, Jenny, Taylor and Pattie. Me, Jay, Chaz and Emily will go to the hospital.

They nodded. We got up and went to the room. Kinjal and Emily took their bags. Me and Chaz took the car seats and went to the car. We drove off to the hospital. When we reached there, we went inside. We saw Connor, we went to him.

Connor: I was waiting for you all

Kinjal: How far are they?

Connor: Mel is only 3 inch away, Dolly is 5 inch and Maria is 7 inch

True Love [Justin Bieber]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon