a team?

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Carina was helping out the others for the prom tonight, some students are at the hotel getting ready, although they just probably don't wanna help them out. "Hey Carina, you should take a break, you've been working your butt off for the past 1 and a half hours," one of her classmates said. "you sure? i mean i dont mind-"    "just go get a short break, you deserve it. Actually I think you can call it a day, we're almost done anyways," he said. "are you sure?" Carina asks. "yes, a 100%" he said. "okay, i'll go now, if you need anything i'll be at the cafeteria," she said then left.

Carina was about to drink water when suddenly An appeared out of nowhere. "Hey," he said catching his breath. "woah are you okay? here drink this, dont worry i havent drank it yet," she said handing him her bottle. He declined her offer, "nah its okay, i just wanted to deliver a message," he said, still catching his breath. "someone told me to give this to you," he said handing her to what seems like a note. "who sent this-" before she could finish, An interrupted her. "i dont mean to be rude, but im quite late to pick up my date. I havent even changed yet, see you later!" then he disappeared. Carina looked at the note, it said:  
"Be ready before 8, go to the hotel and go into room 11 and you'll see a team waiting for you," 

"A team? what team?" she asked herself. "I'll just have to find out myself,  i guess..."

"I guess this is room 11..." She said looking at the door then rang the bell. The door opened and a woman in about her mid 20's came out. "Ahh, you must be Ms Carina, come in," she said. Carina got in and saw two more people in the room. "My name is Slyvie, these are my assistants," she said and Carina greeted them 3. "Hi  im Carina, may I know who sent me here-"
"There's no time for chatting, or you'll be late," she said. "Get ready for what exactly?" Carina ask in confusion.
"Get ready for the prom, my dear,"

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