Ferries wheel

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"ITS A CARIVAl!" Carina said excitedly. "Surprise! I knew you'd always wanted to go to a carnival, so here is me granting your wish," Oliver said and bending down towards her so that she could give him a kiss. "wait, how did you know I wanted to go to a carnival..? I've never told anyone," Carina said totally ignoring what Oliver was trying to do. "Well, when I was reading that little diary of yours, I came across "ideal date" and the first one was "Carnival" so here we are!" he said. Carina cringed, "why did I write that in the first place"  she thought to herself.

"You don't need to be embarrass about it, you know," He said reading her mind. "You could write more so at least I'll know where to go for our next date," he said excitedly. "wait, this is a DATE?" she asked. "well duh, if not we won't be at your "ideal date" place," he said. "I should've dress up nicer if I knew this was a date," she thought to herself. "you look beautiful, don't worry about it. You always do," he said it without hesitation. 

"how are you doing that," she asks

"doing what?" he asks innocently. "you're like reading my mind- whatever forget it, where should we go first? I've never ride the roller coaster before since, well, I was scared" she said looking at one of the roller coasters with people screaming. "alright! that will be our first ride, c'mon. lets go there before the line gets longer," he said holding her hand and dragging her towards the que. 

It was finally their turn and they got into the seats. As Oliver put the lap bar on their laps, Carina started feeling nervous. "Its alright," Oliver said holding her hand, "Im here with you," He said which weirdly made her feel better. She quickly looked away since she felt a blush coming. Then the "train" started moving, she thought that it wouldn't be that bad. "oh and just letting you know, this roller coaster isnt that fast, i asked the staff to make this ride slower," he said. "oh okay..." she said which made her a little better.

As the "train" got to the top, Carina thought of what Oliver said " this roller coaster isnt that fast, i asked the staff to make this ride slower,"    "its okay Carina, its just a ride, its not even that fast," Then Oliver called her, "please don't be mad at me," he said. "mad? why would I be-"  Well it didn't take her long to figure it out. The "train" drops down really fast which made Carina shook. She quickly grab Oliver by the arm and cover her eyes. She heard Oliver laughed but she just ignored him.

"Man that was fun," Oliver said. "fun? was it really fun to tease me like that," she said giving him her death glare. "Im sorry, I told you not be mad at me. plus I didn't know you'd actually buy it," he said laughing. "whatever, lets just- I wanna eat cotton candy," she said then headed towards a stall without saying a word to Oliver. "wait up!" he said catching up with her and held her hand, which obviously made her heart flutter. She tried letting go but Oliver didn't want to let go so she just gave in. They bought cotton candy and after that they played a few other games and won a few prices. 

"if you win me that bear, I'll give you a surprise when we get home," she said to Oliver. "hah! I could do that, easy-peasy," he said and went towards the stall. He started playing the game and at the end, well, he obviously won it. Carina got the bear and hugged it tight. "so whats my surprise?" Oliver asks excitedly. "its called a surprise for a reason, you'll have to wait till we get home," she answered. "alright lets go home now," he said. 

"WAIT i wanna go there," Carina said pointing at a ferries wheel.  "alright, fine, this is our last ride, then we going home, its almost getting late anyways," he said then they headed to their last stop. They got into the ferries wheel and as they reached the top, Carina looked outside like a little kid looking outside of an airplane. Oliver cant help it but to look at her and smile. "the view is so nice," she said, with her eyes still locked to the view. "yea it really is," Oliver said still looking at her. She took out her phone and started taking pictures of the view. Then she turn around, facing Oliver, and took his picture. "hey! i wasnt ready for that," he said. She looked at the picture she took of Oliver and smiled. 

"cmon lets take a picture together," she said. After they took a picture Carina cleared her throat. "i have to grant you two "wishes"..." she said sounding a bit nervous. "two? i thought it was only one?" he said thinking about it. she gave a sigh, "come here, let me tell you what it is," she said and Oliver came closer. "i cant believe im doing this," she said softly. "doing what-"

Suddenly Carina closed her eyes and kissed Oliver, on the lips. Oliver was shocked at first but then he kissed her back. The kiss was a little firm but in a good way. Then she felt Oliver sliding his tongue in hers, then kiss became different from it was before. It was warm, smooth and well, wet of corse. Then the ferries wheel stopped, it was over. Carina broke the kiss and went outside in a hurry. She touched her cheek and she felt hot, she tried to calm herself down then Oliver came. "are you okay?" he asks then he touched her forehead. "are you sick? you feel hot," he said. "no, im not sick," she said. "ohh, was it the kiss?" he said slowly smiling. She didnt answer, "lets go back home, im feeling a little tired," she said changing the subject and looking away. "alright,"  he said laughing and called for an uber.

As they got home, Oliver remembered something, "oh you said you're giving me a surprise when we get home," he said. "you already granted my first wish, now its for the second," he said. "fine, just go wash up first and wait in your room, i'll come over there," she said then dashed to her room. "okay..." he said.

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