Is she staying with us?

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As they reached Carina's house, she looked at it, "man, I can't even go in there, it's too much," but of course they got in anyways, she packed half of her closet, "Woah, isn't that too many clothes?" Ryan asked but Carina just gave him a death glare, "alright, sorry," he stepped back. Ryan starred at a photo of them and picked it up and gave it to her, "here bring them with you," Carina looked at the picture and hugged it, and started crying again. Ryan kneeled down and hugged her.

After 10 minutes of crying, Ryan drives Carina to the NSB house. "WE'RE HERE," he shouted as he open the door, "what do you mean we? we're all here- oh a girl, whos that little girl," Darren said as he stared at her. "She's my best cousin, and she's 17,"   "OHHH she's THAT girl cousin, GUYS COME DOWN, RYAN'S BEST COUSIN IS HERE," everyone ran down and everyone looked at her and greeted her, "we heard about what happened, we're sorry to hear that," Oliver said. Carina smiled softly.

"Oh, and she'll be staying here with us for a week and she asked if she could stay here with us for 5 months," everyone looked at Ryan. "uhm let's have a meeting later and talk about it first," Regie said. "where am I gonna sleep..? I mean I can just sleep on the couch, it's not a prob-"    "you can sleep in my room in the meantime, I can sleep on the couch," Ryan said. " no no it's alright I can-" then Ryan sigh, "sorry, fine I will," Carina said. Whenever Ryan gets a bit mad, he'll sigh and Carina knows she had to stop talking. Ryan walked her up to his room, "it's a little messy, sorry,"   "Nah it's alright, so uhm what's for dinner?"  Carina asks. "I think we're having burgers," Ryan replied. "alright I guess, I'll wash up first,"

While Carina was in the shower, Ryan went down and they had a small meeting. "So uhm, your cousin wanna live with us?" Sebastian asked "I mean, I'm okay with it," Darren said, "you're only saying that so you can hit on her," Justin said. "HEY THAT'S NOT TRUE," Darren said. "Let's vote," Kane said.

During dinner, Carina walked down, "Hey guys," she said to everyone with a gentle smile. "aren't you hot wearing long sleeve? I mean it's your opinion but it's quite hot here," Oliver said. "no it's fine, I'm used to it," she replied. "She even wears long sleeves during the summer," Ryan said and laughed "then she'll complain that is hot and tell everyone to turn on the a/c," Then Carina looked at him with a death glare, "I can wear however I want to," "Oh and we want to tell you something," Sebastian said as he was looking at everyone. "So uhm we discussed about you living with us... and..." Ryan said with a serious face. "you're staying with us until your graduation!" She looked at everyone and smiled, "Thank you, guys! you all are the best!" She said. "Dinner is here!" Darren shouted with the food in his hands. Then they started eating.

After their dinner, Carina asked, "So uhm I'm having class tomorrow, can you send me to school?" She asked, looking at Ryan. "What time?" he asked. "It starts at 8 so we gotta leave around 7:30," she said. "NOPE, too early, who wants to take her to school tomorrow, I'm definitely not," Ryan asked. "I can," Oliver said. "I sometimes wake up at 7 to go to the gym so it's not really a problem for me," he said. "Thanks, Oliver," she said, "Well, I better get some sleep," she said leaving the dining table. "But it's only 10," Justin said, "I gotta wake up at 6:30 to get ready and pack my books so... Goodnight! and thanks for the meal!" Then headed up.

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