its you

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After Oliver and Carina finish packing, Carina lay down on the bed and sigh. "Man, packing is already tiring  and I gotta unpack later," she sighed. Oliver stared at her which made her a bit uncomfortable. "Hey... why are you staring at me like that," Carina asked. "Is there something going on between you and my brother? Cuz if there is, I'm gonna steal you first," You wanted to laugh but you hold it in. "Maybe there is," She said then took her phone and started typing something. Oliver looked at her and gave a disgusted look. "You won't go well with him anyway," Oliver said feeling jealous. "Maybe I do," She replied, still typing.
"Who are you texting?" He asked
"Yea but who,"
Carina didn't answer. "Fine if you're not gonna talk to me, don't," He said. "Okay," Carina said and continued to type.
Oliver couldn't take it anymore so he snatched the phone away from her and hold it up high so she couldn'treach it. Carina got up to get it back but he was to tall for her.
"Give it back!"
"Oliverrr please,"
Oliver just shook his head. Carina jumped to get her phone back but still doesn't manage to get it.

"Look what's that?" Carina said pointing at the window.
"Puh-leeze I'm not gonna fall for tha-" before he finishes his sentence Carina gave a kiss on his cheek, which made Oliver shock and touch his face. She quickly snatched her phone back, "thank you," she said.

"You just kissed me!!"
"Do it again, but here," He said pointing at his lips.
"EW NO,"
"EW? You haven't even kissed me properly yet and you said "ew"?!?!"
"I won't do it even if you begged,"
"Then what should I do so that you'll kiss me? Properly?"
"Exactly, that's the question, and you're being such a baby,"
"First, I'd do ANYTHING to get a kiss from you again, and second, I'm NOT a baby,"
"Yea yea whatever," Carina said and was about to get on her phone again but then Oliver grabbed her wrist, "Carina you know I really really like you right?"
She looked at their hands,"Well obviously..." Oliver let go of her hand and apologise.
"Sorry. Is there anything that I can do to make you like me back? I'd do anything,"
"You don't need to do anything,"
"Why not?"
"Just because..."
"Because what?!?! You like Sebastian don't you? Ugh he's so annoying,"
"Its not him,"
"Then who? Jake? I knew it, I didn't like him from the start-"
"ITS YOU, YOU IDIOT! You don't have to do anything because I already like you!"

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