the surprise

790 21 6

It's the next day and Carina turned on her phone to see if there's any messages. She answered some messages while lying down in bed then started going though sosial media when she heard a knock.

"Come in!" She said. It was Oliver, he jumped on her bed and hugged her.
"Good morning!" He said, smiling
"Morning, now go away from me," she said then turned her back at him.
"Hey! That's not a way to answer back a good morning," He said from behind her, "I won't leave till you say good morning to me," He whispered in her ear which tinngles her a little bit.

"I just woke up and I haven't even brush my teeth yet. If you go now you MIGHT get a kiss from me, 3, 2-" 
Oliver got out of the bed and dashed through the door.
"THATS A PROMISE," He shouted from outside. She laughed to herself, "how childish,"

then Oliver came back in within a second but with something in his hands. "Before you kick me out, this is for you, specially made by me," He said proudly, "I'll leave it here," He said putting it at the edge of the bed, "alright, Im off," He said then went out.

Carina crawlled towards the end of the bed to see what it is. Its not just an ordinary box, its a heart box. And there was a note on the box.

"Hey Carinaaa<3 I'm just letting you know that I'm actually attending a really important meeting later so I think by the time you received this box, I'm already heading outside, I already miss you even tho I just saw you just now :( and I know you'll miss me too ;) anyways, remember to get ready by 6, we're going somewhere fun!

P.s I hope you'll LOVE the gifts"

"How cute," she said to herself then she put the card on the side and opened the heart box. Inside was a necklace, not just any necklace, it was a lego heart couple necklace. She put it on the move on to the next present, the last one.
It was a hairclip, with diamonds on it. It was so pretty that Carina want to put it on right that moment, but she wanted to clean herself up first before wearing something beautiful.

~let's just skip to when she's waiting for Oliver :)~

Carina waited outside with her hair done, the necklace around her neck and the hairclip on her hair. Then she got a message, it was Oliver.
"I'm here," the message said. She looked up but there was no sign of him.
"Are you invincible or something?? Where are you?" She wrote then press send. "I'm here, behind you," Oliver whispered in her ear which made her jumped.
"My gosh! You scared me, stop doing that, it tickles," She said rubbing her ear.
"Do what?" He said leaning over her and whispered in her ear, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes at him,

"so... where are we going?" Carina asks, curious
"hold on our driver is gonna reach here.... now!" He said.
"Driver? what driver?" She looked up and saw a car pulled over. Carina know nothing about cars but one thing she knows for sure, is that the car looks expensive.
"Where did you-"
"Shush no questions," Oliver said cutting her off. "This is for you," Oliver blushed while handing her a bouquet of flowers that he was hiding behind him. Then he realised that Carina was wearing the gifts that he gave and it made him blushed even more.

"Its so pretty!! Thank you Oliver!" She said then buried her face into the flowers to smell it. "I love it!" She said smiling at him then he blushed again. "Ohhh someone is shy," she teased. Oliver cleared his throat, "alright, let's go in the car now before we're late," he said changing the subject then pushed Carina in the car. "Slow down, Oli, chill,"

~5 minutes till arrival~

"We're almost there so put this on," Oliver said handing her a blindfold.
"No but's, just put this on," He interupted
Carina did what she was told then waited till they arrive.

"Alright sir, we have arrive to your destination, have fun you too!" The driver said. "Thank you sir, drive safely!" Oliver said then opened the door for Carina.

"Give me your hand," Oliver said and Carina reached out for his hand. She slowly took a step out of the car and Oliver closed the door behind her.

"Can I take this off now?" Carina ask excitedly since she heard crowed noises. "No not yet, let's go in first," Oliver took her hand and put it in his, which made  Carina's heart beat fast.

As they got in, Oliver told Carina, "alright you can open your blindfold now," She opened it and when she saw what's in front of her, she started squealing.


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