hey you're Carina right?

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At 2 o'clock sharp, the bell rang and Carina was out of school. She went out quickly and she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned excitedly then realised it wasn't him. It was a guy, standing with flowers in his hands. He was tall, had almost the same hair as Oliver, he had green eyes and he looked kind.

"H-hey you're Carina, right?" The boy said. "Yes that's me, how can I help you?" She ask. "Hi, my name is Andrew, you cam call me An. Well you see, there's a prom coming soon, and I was wondering if you'd go out with me? I mean it's totally cool if someone already asked you out or if you just don't wanna go with me," He said then closed his eyes and stretched his arms towards Carina, giving her the flowers. She looked around. "Is this a prank or..." She asked. "No its not, I swear, I wouldn't do that sort of thing," He said. She accepted the flowers.

"Listen Andrew, I'd really love to go to the prom with you, but the thing is, I don't know you, you know. I mean I know that you're in my art and science class but I don't know you well. At least not yet," she said trying her best not to let him down. "And also I have a...." Then she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, what are you doing talking to my girlfriend huh?" It was Oliver. He came towards them and saw Carina holding flowers in her hands. "What's this?" He said then snatched it away from her and throw it on the ground. "You do not talk to my girlfriend, or else," He said strictly to Andrew. "Y-yes I'm sorry, I-I didn't know" he said then he picked up the flowers that got scattered on the ground.

"Cmon let's go," Oliver said then grabbed Carina by the hand. "Let go!" She said, "that's not how you treat people," she said then went back to Andrew. She helped him picked up the flowers that was on the ground. "Listen, I'm really sorry," she said. "No don't worry about it, I should have asked if you had a boyfriend first, it's my fault," He said. Andrew put the flowers back into a bouquet, "now I don't know what to do with this," He said. "I'll just throw this away..." he said heading to the rubbish bin. "Wait! Give it to me, I'll keep it," she said. "Will your boyfriend be okay with it..?" He asked. "Don't worry about him. And thank you so much for the flowers, it must be expensive," she said. Then Andrew blushed. "Yea no problem," He said then put his hand behind his head. "Listen I'll ask my boyfriend if I could go with you, but just as friends okay?" She said to him. "Yea sure, as friends," He said. "Here's my number," he said taking out a paper from his pocket. "Alright cool, I'll ring you," she said then she passed Oliver then headed to the car.

As Oliver got into the car. "Who was that?!?" He asked. "A new friend from my class, why?" She said not looking at him. "Carina you know we're dating," He said. "Yea I know, but cmon, the way you treated him was mean, you shouldn't do that. You were rude to him," she said. "Okay fine I'm sorry, but I thought you were-" He stopped. "What you thought I was cheating on you?!? Wow, I can't believe you'd even think of me like that," she said then got out of the car. "Where are you going?!?!" Oliver asks getting out of the car. "I'll go on the bus, just let me have some alone time okay?!? I'll be back, don't worry. And don't you dare follow me," she said then stormed off to the bus station.

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