Morag/ Vormir 2014

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Morag was stormy, and filled with weather no one would like, Only Rhodes and Nebula were going to Morag, Yelena, Natasha and Clint would be going to Vormir

As the Guardians ship lowers the spare ship, Rhodes and the rest wait as Nebula lowers it to the ground.

Yelena: Guys can you hurry it up?

Rhodes turns around

Rhodes: It's as fast as it goes

Once the ship hits the ground the teams split off, Yelena, Clint and Natasha enter the main ship whilst Nebula and Rhodes prepare to take off in the spare pod.

Clint: We'll see you two soon

Rhodes: Will do, Just do what you gotta do

The three enter the ship and take off leaving Nebula and Rhodes.

Nebula: The coordinates for Vormir are laid in, Now we wait for Quill

With the other team-

As they reach orbit the ship punches into Light speed taking them directly towards Vormir. As the speeds off Yelena turns towards Natasha.

Yelena: We're a long way from Budapest

As Yelena says this Natasha chuckles at her joke, before they can speak again the ship comes to a stop near the planet.

Back with nebula and Rhodes-

Rhode: So, what now?

Nebula: We he vigilant, we're not the only ones in 2014 looking for the stones

Rhodes: what do you mean? Who else could be looking for the stones?

Nebula: Thanos, My sister and me

Rhodes: well where are you now?

Nebula looks at Rhodes in confusion.

Nebula: I don't remember, it was a long time ago.

(20 Minutes later)

The two wait inside, Rhodes and Nebula watch as Quill dances around in the ruins of the building. Rhodes turns to nebula and speaks.

Rhodes: So he's an idiot?

Nebula nods her head. As quill slides over Rhodes quickly punches him in the face knocking him out, the two walk through the ruins until they make it towards the chamber where the stone is kept.

As nebula goes to wall through Rhodes quickly stops her.

Nebula: What?

Rhodes: This is usually the part where traps come out y'know? Spikes and arrows?

Nebula: What are you on about?

Rhodes: When you break into a place called "the temple of the power stone" there'd of course be traps

Nebula shrugs this off and walks through the room until making it to the stone, Rhodes follows behind. Rhodes watches as Nebula sticks her metal hand into the force field and grabs the ball containing the stone.

Nebula hands the ball to Rhodes before inspecting her burning metal hand.

Nebula: I wasn't always like this

Rhodes: Me either

A few seconds pas until Rhodes speaks again.

Rhodes: But we work with what we got, right?

Nebula nods her head before Rhodes speaks again.

Rhodes: Let's sync up

The two ready there time machines as there suits wrap around them.

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