SpiderVerse PT 1

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Let me catch you up on what's been going on.

My Name is Y/N Y/L/N and for the past 5 Months I've been the one and only Spider-man. I stopped some crimes, stopped some dude in a jet pack, joined the Avengers and continuing my Avenger duties whilst also balancing out my real life.
No one person POV
Location: Changing rapidly

Y/n: And you better stay there fellers!

Y/n has just finished webbing up some criminals. He waved at some civilians and shoots a web onto a near by building.

Y/n: you're welcome!

Y/n begins to swing building from building continuing his daily patrol.

(In another Universe)

Peter Parker: I thought I was the only one

As the Spider-man says this a young kid is seems near him.

Miles: I-I don't wanna be

Peter Parker: well I don't think you have much of choice kiddo

As Peter says this he stands up. He looks at miles

Peter Parker: if you stay, I can show you the ropes y'know? All I've gotta do is destroy this machine before everything gets destroyed

He points up top and miles looks up seeing a giant machine.

Peter Parker: I've gotta go, stay safe!

Peter leaps off the scaffolding and shoots web onto the roof, he slingshots himself onto the roof and begins to crawl along

Peter Parker: Alrighty now where is it

He bangs on the roof until a panel is shown, he pulls out a USB and goes to stick it in, as he does this his spider-sense goes off

Peter Parker: that's not good

Before he can react the prowler comes out of no where grabbing him by the throat and throwing him, Peter hits the ground and looks up towards the prowler.

Peter Parker: I am so tired

Peter quickly gets back up and webs onto the prowler, as he goes to attack he is stomped into the ground by another enemy. As he looks up he sees the green Goblin. Another voice begins to speak.

Fisk: how do you like my new toy Spider-man?

Fisk shakes his hand a few scientist begin to type on the computers

Fisk: you came all this way, watch the test. You're gonna love this

As he does this the big machine begins glow bright. Pulling other Universes to this one single universe.

1st person POV

I finally make it back home, I slide my window open and crawl through. As I sit on my bed my Spider-sense begins to go off.

Y/n: w-what the hell?

As I look around my room I see it Glitch? Before I can do anything else the top right corner of my room begins to glitch and some weird black circle begins to appear

Y/n: This is really weird!

The circle begins to suck me into it, I quickly shoot a web onto my bedroom wall to keep myself steady


My web snaps and I get pulled into the black hole.

3rd person POV

Y/N is sent flying through dimension, as he looks around he sees webs tangling everything in a space looking place.

Y/n: woah

The Amazing Spider-man (Male!Reader) DISCONTINUED Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora