Spider-man Homecoming PT 5

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1st person POV
Location: DC hotel roof top

I changed into my suit and climbed to the roof of the Hotel. I saw my class mates swimming. I saw Liz sitting by herself, I want to swim with her but I can't. If I leave this weapon stuff unchecked people can die.

Life was so much more simple before the Bite.

I tighten my bag to me and put on my mask, as I put on my mask the suit glows again

AI: good evening Y/n

Y/n: woah! Hello?!

AI: congratulations for completing the Training wheels protocol!

I look around

AI: so where would you like to take me tonight?

Y/n: I put a tracker on some guy, he's a bad guy

AI: tracker located, route set to intersect target

Y/n: well as long as I make it back in time I'm cool!

I leap off the roof and begin to make my way towards my target swinging from building to building

(20 minutes later)

I leap off a building and land on a truck stop sign.

AI: detecting three individuals

I zoom in on the people

Y/n: why is their secret lair a gas station? That's so lame

I look around and leap onto the actual building.

Y/n: hey suit lady, what are they doing?

AI: do you want to hear what they're saying?

Y/n: uh yeah

AI: activating recon mode

The suit zooms in and I listen to the men

??: I got the gauntlet from the Lagos cleanup the rest is my design

Y/n: that's so cool

??: still can't believe there trying to clean up that mess

??: well I love it, they keep making messes we keep getting richer

??: well the targets inbound

Y/n: well there in the middle of a heist, this is so cool!

AI: would you like me to activate enhanced combat mode?

Y/b: oh yeah for sure!

AI: activating I stand kill

I go to jump but as I here I her I stop

Y/n: no,no,no I don't wanna kill nobody!

AI: deactivating instant kill

As I leap I shoot a web but it doesn't reach, I fall and hit the ground

Y/n: what the hell was that?!

AI: you jumped off the roof and landed on you're face

I stand up and go to shoot webs but for some reason they rapid fire

Y/n: what's wrong with my web shooters!

I quickly run and hide behind a wall.

AI: rapid fire is the default option for enhanced combat mode

Y/n: why would I need rapid fire?!

AI: would you like to see more options?

I look at my web shooters and a screen appears showing me different options of web shooters

The Amazing Spider-man (Male!Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now