SpiderVerse PT 5

393 2 0

1st person POV
Location: Miles's dorm Window.

We all heard about Miles's uncle. And we all saw what happened, we followed miles back to his dorm. Currently Peter was speaking to him whilst the rest of us waited on outside.

I was sitting on the wall next to Gwen. I feel bad for miles, it seems like a trial to become spider-man is that you have to loose someone close to you. As I sat on the wall Gwen nudges my shoulder

Gwen: you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, just thinking

Gwen: anything particular?

Y/n: not really. Minds all over the place with this new dimension stuff

Gwen: hey, it'll be okay. We've got each other right?

She holds out her open hand

Y/n: yeah you're right

I place my hand inside hers and she closes it. We sit in the wall holding hands for a few minutes until Peter calls us in. Gwen and I craw through the window and I stand on the floor.

Y/n: you okay miles?

Miles exhales heavily and shakes his head.

I put my hand on his shoulder

Y/n: we've all been there miles. For me it was my dad

Noir: for me it was my uncle Benjamin

Gwen: and for me it was my best friend

I take my hand off his shoulder and porker begins to speak

Porker: miles, the hardest part about this job is....You can't always save everybody

Miles: look it was my fault, you probably wouldn't understand

Peter B: miles were probably only one of the few people that do understand

As Peter says this the key hole to miles's door shakes. We walk jump onto the roof and go corner to corner to avoid this kid looking at us. The kid lowers his comic book and looks up at us.

Porker: Do animals talk in This dimension? Cause I don't wanna freak him out

As porker says this the kid stands up but quickly faints. We land on the ground. After a few minutes we exit miles dorm room through the window whilst Peter says goodbye. I overhear the convo.

Miles: what's going on?

Peter B: miles, I came to say goodbye

Miles: we can say goodbye at the collider?

Peter B: you're not getting it, you're staying here

Miles: I need to be there, so you can all go home!

Peter B: they are going home miles. I'm just the only one staying

Miles: if you stay you'll die!

Miles quickly takes the USB and holds it in his hand.

Peter B: I'm doing what needs to be done, I just wanted you to hear it from me

Miles: well what about MJ?

As miles says this Peter trips him and holds him by his shirt whilst Peter hangs from the ceiling.

Peter B: Then venom strike me right now Or turn invisible on command so you can get passed me!

We all listen from the window miles struggling to do either of those things. Gwen looks at me and I look back at Gwen.

I watch Peter exit the window and slip his mask on. We all leap off the wall and make our way towards Fisk tower.

The Amazing Spider-man (Male!Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now