Asgard 2013

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As the teams did there own tasks Y/N, Rocket and Thor find them selves within Thor's old home city. Asgard.

As the three quickly blip into the time, they quickly sneak passed Loki's cell and make it towards the main corridor within Odin's castle. The three peak around the corner and see Jane being handed some clothes by one of the Asgardian maids.

Rocket turns around and faces Y/N and Thor.

Thor: There's Jane!

Rocket: All right, Here's the plan. Thor You'll charm her whilst Y/N keeps a look out, and whilst Thor's charming her I'll poke her with this and take the Aether out. Got it?

Y/N nods his head and agrees whilst Thor stumbles back slightly.

Thor: Ill be right back, Okay?

Y/N and rocket look at Thor confused

Thor: My father used to have this really old Wine cellar, so I'm gonna go see if they have any "To-Go" cups

As he goes to walk away rocket quickly calls him over

Rocket: Hey, Hey! Aren't you drunk enough already?

As one of the doors open the team quickly hide away keeping out of View. They look around the corner and see some fancy lady walking down the corridor followed by her friends.

Y/n: Who's the fancy chick?

Thor: That's my mother...She dies..Today

Rocket: Oh, that's today?

Thor's breathing becomes heavy as he steps back slightly,

Thor: I-I don't think I can do this

As Thor mumbles to himself Rocket calls him over, as Thor comes closer Rocket quickly slaps him causing him to snap out of his trance. Y/N begins to let out a silent laugh as he does this.

Rocket: You think you're the only person who lost something? I lost the only family I ever had! Drax, Groot, Quill and the chick with the antenna. I get you miss you're mom, but she's gone. Really gone, but everyone else is only partly gone

Thor nods his head at rockets words.

Rocket: so is it to much to ask for you to wipe the crumbs out of you're beard and man up?

As Rocket says this Thor quickly dusts his beard and ready's himself, as they ready Y/N looks over the corner seeing the group of women disappear.

Y/n: We've got this bro

As Y/N says this the two begin to sneak closer to the room, as they turn around they See Thor rush down the hallway before turning a corner leaving the two.

Y/n: You've gotta be shitting me

Rocket: Looks like you're gonna have to do this one

Y/n: You're kidding right?

Rockets face does not change, Y/N sighs deeply knowing what me must do.

With Thor-

As Thor peaks around the corner he watches his mother disappear, before he can react she reappears right behind him.

Frigga: What are you doing?

Thor let's out a shriek and quickly turns around coming face to face with his mother.

Frigga: You're better off leaving the sneaking to your brother

Thor: N-No I wasn't sneaking, I was just going for a walk

Frigga: What are you wearing?

She points towards Thor's rugged clothes.

Thor: I always wear this, it's one of my favourites!

She steps closer and places her hand on his face, she looks closer and sees his different coloured eyes.

Frigga: What's wrong with you're eye?

Thor thinks for a moment before coming up with an excuse.

Thor: Oh, My eye! You remember the, Uh- Battle of Harokin? When I got hit in the head right?

She wipes his hair out of his face and speaks.

Frigga: You're not the Thor I know at all are you?

Thor: Yes I am

He smiles at her trying to convince her which has no effect.

Frigga: The future hasn't been kind to you, has it?

Thor: I-I didn't say I was from the future

She smiles at his attempt of a lie

Frigga: I was raised by witches, Boy

After a few seconds Thor bursts into tears embracing his mother into a hug.

Thor: I-I'm so totally from the future

Frigga: I know dear, I know

With Y/N and rocket-

Y/N and rocket enter the room, as she does she sees Y/N, Rocket quickly ducks behind one of the couches.

Jane: Who are you?

Y/N: Uhhh, How's you're day?

Jane: That's you're name?

Y/N sighs before approaching her

Y/N: I'm Spider-man, And well I'm here to- ROCKET NOW!

As Y/N shouts this out he quickly jabs her with he Aether extractor, she falls onto the bed and the two quickly rush out of the room. As they do multiple guards begin to follow them.

As they rush down the hall Rocket begins to call out of Thor.

Rocket: Thor! I got it!

Y/N and rocket quickly rush into a room to be met with Thor and his mother.

Y/N: Hey guys!

Rocket: Thor c'mon we've gotta go

Thor walks over to us,

Thor: I love you Mom

Frigga: I love you too son

As rocket ready's the time machine Thor stops us.

Thor: wait!

He quickly sticks his hand out waiting for something

Rocket: What am I looking at?

Frigga: It takes a minute

After a few more seconds Thor's old hammer flies into his hand.

Thor: I'm worthy! I'm worthy!

As Rocket presses the watch the suits reappear and wrap around them,

Thor: Goodbye Mom

Before she can reply the trio are already heading back to there time. One stone down.

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