SpiderVerse PT 3

355 1 0

1st person POV
Location: Alcemax labs

After watching Peter be basically strapped to a chair I turn to miles and see him taking the Computer and monitor to the door.

??: and Peter, obviously you've been glitching?

Peter B: "Glitching"? No

As he says this his body glitch more along side mine.

??: if you stay in this dimension to long you're body's gonna disintegrate, do you know how painful that will be Peter?

Peter B: no not really lady

??: well it will be painful. And I for one, can't wait to watch

As she says this miles and I look at the lady confused as Peter widens his eyes at the comment.

Peter B: what did you say you're name was?

Olivia: Doctor Olivia Octavius

She takes off her glasses and her lab coat falls to the floor exposing a weird Villain suit. Four weird arms emerge from her back as she fully stands up. One of those robot arms shoots at Peter pinning him to the floor.

Peter B: I've got this go!

I quickly open the door for miles and run out of the room with him. I watch through the glass Peter get thrown around with those weird arms of hers. As we turn a corner I mistakenly bump into a woman and knock her to the floor.

Y/n: I am so sorry about that!

I web her hands and pull her to her feet and web her glasses and put it on her face

Y/n: there we go, as beautiful as before!

As I say this I quickly run off and catch up to miles

Miles: what was that about?!

Y/n: I ran into someone!

As we run down a hallway Peter gets thrown through it. He quickly stands up and catches up to us.

Peter B: good news! We don't need the monitor

As he says this he takes the monitor and throws it away. One of the arms stretch through a wall and throw Peter leaving me and miles

Olivia: Peter! You didn't tell me there were more of you!

Peter quickly webs miles and pulls him away leaving me with Olivia.

Y/n: go! I'll meet up with you's!

As I say this one of her arms smash me into the ceiling. I web her face and kick her in the stomach. I land back on the ground

Olivia: sorry to cut our meeting short, but I'm more interested in the invisible Spider-man!

One of her arms pick me up and throw me through a wall. I hit a wall stopping me and I look up to see that same girl from before.

Y/n: good to see you again!

I quickly stand up and rush back towards Olivia

No ones POV

Miles and Peter push open a door and walk into the common area of the lab.

Peter B: this would be a good time to turn invisible

Miles says nothing and does nothing

Peter B: okay let's just go

Peter and miles casually walk through the area. As they do a few of the scientist see them

The Amazing Spider-man (Male!Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now