Sinister Six PT 2

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After I finished up with that Rhino guy Yelena invited me over for some Pizza and movies, I pretty goddamn nervous. Why should I be nervous? We're friends???
1st person POV
location: Yelena's Apartment

I swing and land on the Building wall. I crawl up further and peak inside one of the windows, as I look inside I see Yelena chilling on her couch watching TV. I begin to knock on the window. After a few seconds she gets up from the couch and opens the window for me.

I quickly crawl inside and the Iron-spider suit dissolves leaving me in my T-shirt and sweatpants.

Yelena: Do you really wear that while you fight crime?

Y/n: Eh sometimes I just wear boxers and a shirt

My joke causes Yelena to laugh. As she does this she sits on the couch. I take I seat next to her and she begins to flick through her TV. As she was flicking through the TV I moved my hand, as I did this I accidentally touched her hand. I move my hand away.

Y/n: C-crap sorry about that

Yelena: Don't worry about it Y/N, it's cool with me

She finally finds a show and we sit there and watch that for awhile. As the show progresses we begin to talk more and more. Man, watching her talk. Her eyes lighting up with every word. Her voice like a beautiful song.

God I remember when her sister Natasha found out about my crush on Yelena. It was two months ago, I was still living with the Avengers and we were having a meeting on what our next move was. According to Natasha I couldn't keep my eyes of her, and that I looked like I was in love.

As the show continued Yelena started to get fairly close to me. A few more minutes pass and she completely leans her head on my shoulder.

Yelena: Hey Y/N can I ask you something?

She leans up and faces me. As she goes to speak a loud explosion sounds off in the distance, I quickly look out the Window and see more explosions go off. Before anything happens multiple police sirens are then sounded off.

Y/n: I'm sorry can this wait?

Yelena pouts at my question.

Yelena: Fine but come back

As she says this she kisses me on the cheek. A blush forms on my face as I stand from the couch, as I do the Iron-spider suit forms around me and I quickly leap out the window. I begin to make my way towards the explosion.

As I land on a building I look over and see rykers prison on fire.

Y/n: Uh oh

I leap off the building and swing towards the explosion. As I make it to the prison I land on the ground and look around.

Y/n: well this couldn't get any worse

As I say a pipe begins to rattle, as I turn and look at the pipe it bursts open and flys right by me. A massive amount of water splashes out of the pipe, a few seconds pass and the water begins to form a man?

Y/n: What the hell?

As the water finishes it's transformation it begins to speak

Hydro-man: The man was right, you are predictable!

Y/n: Who's the man?

Before the Hydro-man speaks he launches a beam of water at me, I quickly leap over the beam and go to punch the man. As I punch the man I fly directly through the man, I quickly turn around and two massive hands made of water grab me.

Hydro-man: Hope you like the surprise Bug!

3rd person POV

The man begins to Swing Y/N around before he throws him through a wall into the prison. As Y/N recovers he looks around seeing dust, debris and...Sand?

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