Origins PT 5

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1st person POV
Location: Y/n's Home
( 2 days after Y/n's fathers death )

The police put that freak away for good. And boy am I glad about it. But I'm still sad over my dads death, my mum has been sad but still managing. MJ and Ned even came around and said there sorry about what happened. And I've still been doing that super stuff.

I sit at the table and eat my food, whilst my mum watches the tv.

Reporter: witnesses say that on the night of the crooks arrest there was a man in some red and blue clothes who beat the man and then proceeded to climb up the walls, people have since then named this person "Spider-man"

Mum: you see this son?

Y/n: yeah I heard about it, this Spider-man stuff is weird

I put my food in the bin and put my bowl into the sink, I give my mum a kiss on the head and walk back up to my room. I remember what my dad said to me that night.

"With great power comes great responsibility"

I take out my note book and begin To sketch something

Y/n: every spider isn't complete with out his webs, or in my case. Web shooters. I walk around my room and begin to look for objects around my room. I take out my laptop and begin to search on google.

Y/n: spandex, spandex. Everything spandex

( time skip 2 days later )

After days if research. Hours of trial and error of got it. The web shooters. These will allow me to swing from building and use them to do other things as well.

Y/n: but no super hero is complete with out his own suit

I shut my laptop and exit my room. Let this "Spider-man" thing begin

( sorry for such a short chapter, I'm running out of ideas for the origins and really just wanna get in to the main story. Let the fun begin )

The Amazing Spider-man (Male!Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now