Sinister Six PT 1

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Let me catch you up on what's been going on. Ever since Thanos came to earth everything has been all over the place. Tony quit the Avengers and retired, Steve continued Avenging and Natasha followed with him. Thor fell into a depression and left and I..well I've been doing the same thing I have been lately.

With Mum and Gwen gone none could look after me so the Avengers took me in. They set me up with an Apartment and I've mostly been doing online schooling since I don't really have any time for stuff anymore. And secondly! I've kinda started to get feelings for Yelena.
No ones POV
Location: New York central
( 1 Year after infinity war )

The city of New York has been peaceful. Well as peaceful as a post snap city can be, it's peaceful but there are hints of criminals. Speaking of criminals

Multiple police sirens could be heard throughout the city. As police cars come to a stop swat members exit the vehicles and aim there weapons at the large bit of smoke. A few seconds and loud clanking can be heard. After a few more seconds a large Rhino suits comes emerging out of the smoke.

Swat1: What the fuck is that thing?!

As the swat man says this the head of the suit opens up exposing a bold Russian man.

Alexi: Ahhh finally! I've always wanted to come to New York!

As the man says this the police captain stands up and begins to speak whilst aiming his gun at the man.

Swat3: Exit the Rhino outfit!

As the man says this the helmet for the suit clamps down and he looks around.

Alexi: I only demand one thing pest!

Before Alexi can continue the sound of thud could be heard. Alexi turns around and sees spider-man in his Iron-spider suit standing on a car.

Alexi: Never mind, he's already here!

1st person POV

As the man turns around I begin to speak

Y/n: Before we do this, May I ask a question?

Alexi: Sure. I'll let you have a few last words!

Y/n: Do you think you could just surrender?

As I say this the man bursts out laughing

Alexi: I'll kill you!

Y/n: You want me to come over there so you can kill me?

Alexi: YES!

As he says this the Rhino begins to charge at me

Y/n: this should be fun

3rd person POV

Y/N leaps off the car and sling shorts towards Rhino, he dodged the Horn and lands behind him, Rhino turns around and looks at Y/N.

Alexi: Fine then, we do things another way!

As Alexi says this the Paws of the suit open up and exposes two Mini-guns

Y/n: Oh crap!

The guns begin to open fire at Spider-man. Y/N quickly ducks behind a car as the bullets fly over him

The Amazing Spider-man (Male!Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now