Spider-man Homecoming PT 8

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1st person POV
Location: Y/n's House

Well it was fun. Tony took the suit away and I lost the internship. Tony gave me some spare clothes and I walked all the way home. I finally open the door and see my mum with tears in here eyes.

Mum: I've been calling you all day! And then you're at this ferry thing and you're skipping school! You can't do this! I called you five times!

Y/n: mum I'm fine please relax

Mum: it's hard to relax! When I know you could never come home one night! Please just tell me what's going on!

Y/n: I lost the stark internship

Mum: what?

Y/n: yeah

Mum: what happened?

Y/n: all the stuff with the ferry, and it didn't work out

Mum: my boy, I'm sorry for all this

My mum gives me a hug, life was so much easier before.

( time skip )
Location: mid town high

Principal: you're a good kid Y/n. I just need you to keep you're head down a focus. Can you do that?

Y/n: of course sir

Principal: alright, now get out of here

I grab my bag and walk out of the principals office. As I walk out Ned walks up to me

Ned: so are you expelled?

Y/n: nope. Some how

Ned: dude you are so lucky

Ned and continue to walk down the hallway.

3rd person POV

Through out the day Y/n does all the things he missed out on. He finished his Spanish quiz, sat through detention and even built the Lego Death Star with Ned.

The siren goes and Y/n walks out of his class. As he walks out he sees Liz.

Y/n: hey Liz, I thought you had calculus?

Liz: I did, but I'm just doing some homecoming stuff

Y/n walks over to Liz

Y/n: hey listen, I just wanted to apologise for the decathlon thing

Liz: it's fine Y/n, last week it was so important then I almost died so

Y/n: n-no I mean, it was not cool. Especially because..I like you

Liz: I know

Y/n quick I turns and faces Liz

Y/n: what?

Liz: you're terrible at keeping secrets

Y/n: yeah, you'd be surprised haha

Y/n begins to slowly walk away.

Y/n: I'm sorry I'm gonna be late to class, I would ask you to homecoming but you already have a date right?

Liz: well I've been sorting it out so much so no not really

Y/n: well I-uh would you maybe wanna go with m-me?

Liz: yeah of course

Y/n: really?- I mean yeah cool

I begin to walk off. Holy shit. Did that happen?

(Time skip)
Location: Y/n's House

I quickly slide into the living room where my mum is

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