29-Awngeyä unil

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The dream, our dream was vivid, bright. Memories of the life I had forgotten, memories of a life not my own. It's as if my birth had began as I stepped onto this planet and the birth of that body was someone else's life. But as we saw the smiles of long dead parents, the building collapse, my grandparents beginning to take care of me and spoil me as well as teach, I realized that I love these memories as much as I loved the people in them, there's no way to preserve my birth parents now. But if I could reach out and hold onto this memory forever, their smiles of "bring your child to work day" ingrained into my brain, maybe I could keep them alive some how.

"Let go."

Tsu'tey's memories began with his mother, telling him to let go of the life he wanted for the life chosen for him. He grew into it, as if he was born for it. And he thrives today. But I see in between the linear path before him, playful moments with his brother, the brief but joyful love he had for Sylwanin, the love we feel now. To him, my life must seem too long.
I woke up in his arms, warm and safe. He was already awake, our queue disconnected at some point in our sleep. It's probably what woke Tsu'tey. He smells really nice.

"Good morning my love." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and propped himself up on his elbow.

I pull him in closer instead, I wrapped my arms firmly around his waist.

"Just a little while longer, please?" I pressed my face into his chest.

"A little while. We still need to return to the clan so we can continue our journey." He whispered. He draped his arms around me and pulled me against him. I felt so alive and comfortable with him.

Eventually, the comfort can't last.

"Tsu'tey? K?" Jake called from outside the rooted safe space, "I know you two are in there, we have to leave soon."

Tsu'tey reared his head back in frustration. He groaned.

"Some things never change." He mumbled, "we'll join soon." 

"I take it we have to get up now." I grumbled.

"Yes, I'm sorry Yawne. On the bright side, when we reach out new home, we'll hold our ceremony."

"Which one?" Tsu'tey dressed quickly and began to pick up the things around us. I began dressing.

"Our mating ceremony. We didn't give the clan any warning, but normally, a couple would have a ceremony. Don't you?" He put his bag over his shoulder and climbed out first.

"We do, but they're probably smaller, it's normally just two families and a few guests. The woman dressed in white while the groom dressed in black and they wear rings to symbolize their love and then they cut cake and party the night away."

"I'm not going to ask what or who käkx is, but it sounds fairly simple. If you'd like, we can have a small ceremony too." He leant me a hand to help get over the roots.

"No, that's not-" I landed a little hard, "necessary, besides, I'm seeing this for the first time. Maybe big isn't bad." I shrugged.

We made our way to the clan, already packed and ready to travel again.

"Are we ready?" Tsu'tey asked.

"What about Artsut, your mother? We can't just leave her."

"After what she did, I don't know if I'm ready to see her again, but you're right." He sighed. Ateyo, Rinì, Tsu'tey and I went to search through the forest to find her in deep meditation while linked to one of the trees.

"We can't bother her. We'd separate her body from her spirit." Ateyo said.

"What is this?" I asked.

"She meditates like the Tsahik to achieve enlightenment. But she has been pulled in so that her spirit may be taught. This was how we used to deal with wrong doers, but she's done this to herself." Ateyo explained, "I know little about it, but her heart is in the right place now."

We waited for her to come out of her trance, and waited, and waited.

Her eyes fluttered open, she jumped, startled to see us all.

"Ateyo, what's happening? Who is this with our son?" She had a different demeanor, as if she'd forgotten me entirely. She eyed me up and down.

"She looks na'vi. She doesn't smell like it." She furrowed her brows.

"Artsut, what are you saying? Don't you remember what happened?" He stepped forward to embrace her. She shoved his arms off.

"No, I know what I've done to her, but I don't know her."

"I thought you hated me?" I asked, "how can you not remember?"

"I just don't know you. Maybe I've hurt you before, and I'm sorry if I have caused you emotional harm or anxiety."

"She's caused herself to forget you through Eywa. To not see you to start over. It must have been guilt." Tsu'tey whispered to me.

"Even so, I'd preferred if she had talked to me instead of refusing to see me."
We brought the somewhat clueless Artsut to the rest of the clan, and I called for Wiveykx and Txo'narì.
I was excited to fly again, but Wiveykx needs me now. Being pregnant and walking so long doesn't seem to be fun in the slightest. Her partner, Neytiri's palulukan, named Taro'vol, was obviously tagging along, but he was always close to Wiveykx.

The next four days we're uneventful, but we stopped again for an afternoon and night with the fringe lake that came from the biggest lake of this area. On the other side, the Mangkwan and another clan reside there near the coast.

That night, Tsu'tey made our way away from the palulukans and the clan to just be us.

"Is there a way for us to bond without it being..."

"Sexual? Yes, you just bond without bing in the mood, but with you," he wrapped his arms around me and scooted closer, adjusting so that I was between his legs and my back was to his chest, "it's very hard to not feel that way."

"Tsu'tey..." I sighed, so cheesy, and flattering.

"But yes, it's possible, but definitely not now."

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