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Grace had stormed out and Max got us all situated.

The next morning I knew that the tanks had been emptied because of all the cleaning staff going around. I got dressed and met with Grace.

"Okay, kid, I know you haven't done much linking so I want to brief you real quick." She had me next to the pod, "I reviewed your medical history, ADHD, are you medicating for that right now?"


"Okay, the link may disorient and cause you shock, in which we can pull you out but not without giving you a momentary phenomenon which feels a lot like a concussion."

"Okay, sounds scary, but, I've been looking forward to this."


"Ready." She said, she had a determined smile as she slipped into her link bed and waited.
I woke up in an ambient chamber. My eyes began to open, and everything felt normal. But I need to take it slow, right?

"Hey, K. Take it slow, you may feel pretty tired-"

"No I feel great." I sat up and took it slow. They expected me to fall asleep within a few minutes but since I didn't, they let me get clothes on before sending me out to eat or exercise.

They have these huge water bottles which are normal sized for us, but I wanna see them in this body. I turned the corner to find a stand with some water bottles. They look completely proportional to me, I was amazed because it's jug sized for my other body.

I filled it up with tap water from a hose but I was  pushed over by an over excited Jake.

"Sorry!" Jake apologized and kept running.

"Pffff, look at him go! I don't think I can run that fast." I side noted myself.
Later that night in the long house, everyone was settling down to sleep, Grace made her rounds to account for everyone in the compound. Kohane fell asleep quickly and woke up and hit her head on the top of the pod.

"Ow, son of a bitch!" She hissed and opened the pod.

"Hit your head?" Grace snickered.

"Yeah, was it loud?" She rubbed her sore nose and forehead.

"Yeah, everyone on earth heard it too. You got anyone waiting for you there?" Grace shut down the link pod as Kohane got out.

"No, all my family is dead, no lovers."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were so alone. Well, either way, I hope that we'll suffice for now. The marine, Norm, and I." She smiled which made Kohane smile.
For the most part, Kohane spent her time taking photos around the lab which left some botanists upset, but not enough to say anything. Kohane was fascinated with everything she saw. She was taking some quick Na'vi courses with Norm and Grace, she could speak Na'vi but it wasn't as well as either of them.
She had been packing medical things, camera equipment, and survival knives into her fanny pack. When Jake rolled in.

"Guys, we're on the flight line in ten minutes." Grace announced.

"Okay" they all chirped.

"So, what did attila want?" She was referring to Quaritch, the attention needing, power hungry xenophobe.

"Just marines comparing tattoos." Jake said.

Once they were out of earshot, Kohane snuck her necklaces into her bag. She loves her grandparents and wants to show them the new world she's about to witness.

"That son of a bitch has screwed up this program enough. All of this exists so we can go out there and build a bridge of trust to these people who could teach us so much." Grace laments. They follow Grace out to the link beds. She began to praise Norm before turning her attention to Kohane.

"You too, you may not be as pivotal as Norm, but you are friendly, you look more like them, and you understand, just a little bit of their language. You're a quick learner. They may choose to teach you." Grace compliments.

"I'm sure it's not likely." Kohane remarked with a smile.

"Well, yeah, but don't loose hope."
We began our journey over the waterfalls of Pandora and I immediately began taking pictures, everything was so beautiful. Jake whooped which would've made me drop my camera if I didn't have a strap.

We landed and I hopped out behind Jake and I looked around at the beauty around me.

"We made it Gran, Gramps." I said in awe. Our hike wasn't too long and silent before some monkey-like animals appeared. I snapped a photo before Jake noticed to pull his gun up to shoot them.

"Prolemuris. They're not aggressive." Grace said grumpily, "Relax, Marine. You're making me nervous." She moved on ahead. We resumed our walk then Norm began asking questions.

"So, how will they know we're here?" He sounded paranoid.

"I'm sure they're watching us right now." Grace replied from the front.

"That our our trudging and talking is alerting them right now." I chuckled.

"Keep moving, K." Jake reminded.

"Sorry." I chuckled and kept moving.
Grace had chosen a spot to take samples, and I decided to take a look around. I knew Jake was following me.

"What's this?" He asked me about the spiral plants.

"I'm not quite sure, but I don't think we should touch it." I glanced at Jake.

"What the worst that could happen?" He went to touch one, but he tripped on a root and they all disappeared, revealing a huge hammerhead rhino looking thing. It roared and I covered my ears. It's so loud, these ears are sensitive.

Jake shot up and held his gun.

"Don't shoot. Don't shoot, you'll piss him off." Grace warned.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"The armors too thick. It's a territorial threat display. Do not run, or. He'll charge." Grace stated.

"So, what do I do, dance with it?" Jake sassed.

"Just hold your ground." She looked to me, "try to make it respect you."

"Jake I think this is a "you do something crazy, and I stay here" thing." I whimpered. I hate this feeling.

Jake charged at the great beast and got it to a calm state, but soon we learned it was a Thanator, not Jake. It roared and I covered my ears and stared into its predator eyes.

"So what about this one, run, don't run, what?" Jake panicked.

"Run, definitely run!" Grace yelled.

We split off running, it went for Jake, but I didn't realize it until I saw him jump into a river. Down we go I guess.

Tsawke|Tsu'tey/Ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن