24-Kìyä ne Pamtseotu Loran

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In Pamtseotu Loran, there is a tree that sits between mountains at the lip of a valley, with a system of caverns carved out by former seismic activity, and the valley is filled with animals and resources to make food and medicines. The caverns open up to the ocean, and the valley is also facing that way. It's naturally protected and it's very large. The nearest spiritual trees are shared by the Tayrangi, but we have very good relations with that cliff dwelling clan. The surrounding clans we know are the Tayrangi, Tawtsena, and Vayaho. The ones we don't are the Anìheyu, Ikutsngal, and the Nongolo'. Scouts met the clans, and described them as different, but friendly.

And that's what most of the clan chose. The elders where especially adamant about this place. A calling to those mountains like a hypnotic song. Mo'at usually stays out of this but agreed on this choice. Only the cooks and healers seemed concerned and visibly upset about this choice. The travel will be long and unfamiliar. But Mo'at found a way to encourage us with a speech.

"Ma Na'vi oeyä, mip Kelutral lu perey hivawnu awnga. Txan ftolem io fìolo', luke tsakelku. Tsa'u tsa'lo ayoeng rìyun kelku."(my people, a new Hometree waits to shelter us. Long it has been without a home. It is time we find a home.) stirring up the feeling of determination, the clan slowly began to mobilize. We finished our food for the day, and I began to help the cooks cure the food and leave it to dry for traveling food.

In the next day we asked any remaining avatars if they wished to join us and a few did, but many stayed. There were over twenty avatars staying and all of them had begun to make their own little tribe. Learning from the healing clans around them and giving back to their communities. Many have made plans to make the final link and be Na'vi, but to do that, they would need a clan's trust and help. I wish them luck.

Soon, within the same month, we were ready to leave. With one or two snags of course. We charted out our path, and it should be a twenty two day trip to the tree.
The first day, we passed the dusty man-made mines. It was miles wide and full of emptiness. The machinery had been sitting still since they left. A great silence filled the clan.

"I knew the skypeople were capable of great destruction... but I never knew it's full extent." Tsu'tey said in awe and horror.

"It's the same on earth." I hissed. Many of my works as a photographer were ridiculed by big companies for "making them the bad guys".

We rested with the Li'ona clan for the night. Or that's at least what we had been told.
Tsu'tey negotiated with the Li'ona clan about our stay, and they insisted we stay the night close to their homes since the clan was holding a celebration of the coming dark nights.

See, the dark nights are two and a half months of visibly darker days since we will be in the shadow of Polyphemus. But that means brighter nights. And the Li'ona see it as Eywa's cleansing. It's a beautiful thing.

With the traveling rate we're going, it'll be 24-25 days if we don't make any stops.

The night was bright and full of life. Tsu'tey had Jake in charge for the time being, and I had sent Wiveykx to spend time with her mate, Tsaysrey.

So the night was wild with drunken lovers, children sleeping early, elders with stories to tell the warriors of the other clan. And Tsu'tey was making my heart beat with anxiety and excitement.

The cooking fire behind him set his silhouette ablaze and he had been spending the time drinking competitively and it left him tipsy and full of energy. He had been dancing. He ended up sauntering up to me and he relaxed into a perfect pose of someone who had overestimated their activities.

"You are so pretty, my love." He flirted with a crooked smile and half lidded eyes. His green eyes were vibrant and seemingly glowing as they bore into my being.

"Tsu'tey, you are very drunk." I replied to deflect his words that made my heart pound loudly in my ears, "And if you're planning on wooing me, you know better than to do it while I am a dreamwalker." He came closer and played with the beads in my hair.

"I forgot. How are you going have your ceremony, paskalin?"

I chuckled lightly at his subtle flirt and genuine question, "I will have a pilot bring me to the tree near by. It will be less than a day trip since the metal birds are very fast." He hands me a wooden cup with an intoxicating drink in it.

I raised it to my lips to taste it, the liquid that came through was sour like a pickle but it burned going down. It's oddly addicting.

"It's different from what we usually have at our celebrations." I said while wincing at the burn.

"It's something unique to this clan." Tsu'tey said. He got up after I finished my drink and helped me onto my feet. The drink was much stronger than normal and I had a large cup. I decided it was enough and that I wasn't going to do much more than that.

Tsu'tey pulled me with him to our tent with Wiveykx and Taro'vol outside. His make-shift bed was cold but he was anything but cold. He dragged me down into his warmth and covered us with a quilted blanket. I knew his mom wasn't far. Artsut is very controlling.

But regardless of her silent anger, he is mine and I am his. Before I began to see him, he was just handsome and stern, but he's so much more to me now. So much that no one else will get to see.

His radiant warmth sheltered me from the cold, and he shifted lightly in his comfort filled stupor. I soon fell under the line of consciousness into my old, lonely body.

I drifted into my bunk and fell asleep with a deep frown on my face.

Why does she, my body, get to snuggle with him while I'm here in my cold empty bunk?

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