25-Syen letokx tìlatem

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I linked into my body and woke up to the sounds of the clan packing up again.

"Ma hona pum, txen lu nga srak?"(Adorable one, are you awake?) Tsu'tey called endearingly from just outside the tent. His words felt foreign and odd from the different mood he was in all of the sudden.

"Someone must have had a good morning." I tease. I stretched my tensed muscles and slowly got onto my feet to help put our tent away. Tsu'tey's hand caught my scarred one.

"Let me, you ended up doing all the work putting up our tent while I partied." He offered.

"Nonsense, you were negotiating with the Li'ona's Olo'eykte." I shrugged off his hand and rolled up our sleeping mat.

"No, I remember being drunk when you went off earlier in the night to make our tent." He smiled.

"And? I'm helping anyway." We bantered back and forth while getting be things done all morning. And we where back to traveling. Which Wiveykx was very weary of already. Palulukan pregnancies are fast to ensure the safety of both parent and child. And she's almost ready to pop.

With everyone rushing so early, and the joy of meeting with old friends, our next three days felt like one. We had travelled nonstop due to the high moral but by the morning of day four, everyone needed a night's rest.

We where coming upon a clearing in the forest canopy which lead out to the Nawm na'rìng te Eywa. The great forest of Eywa is a beautiful forest of spiritual trees. Some reach as high as the tall canopy trees, though, none of them have to. It's a fantastical place that the Li'ona make a patronage to every time the dark season comes.

At this point, it was hard to believe we where over 200 miles from home.
By the time we reached Nawm na'ring te Eywa, my body, my real one, was exhausted of travel. Linking back up began to grow exhausting and painful.

Especially this morning. It was until noon that I had linked and both of my bodies where feverish and ill.

"She's waking now." Mo'at said in a hushed tone. I blinked out the sleep from my eyes and tried to move.

"Koha, please rest. You're not well." Tsu'tey squeezed my hand before placing a slightly damp bowl of water in my hands. I drank the cool water down a little too fast and choked on the refreshing liquid. Mo'at inspected me carefully, looking at my eyes, all of my healed wounds, even my queue.

"Tsu'tey, Kohane, I fear your change may be coming sooner than you like. If you continue on this path, you may not survive to see our new home." She warned.

"The ceremony? It will take two days to finish-" I negated.

"And two days to heal. It will stop our journey momentarily, but we are not in a hurry."

"Tell them to bring you to us. We will be waiting and ready for you." Tsu'tey wiped away the sweat from my forehead and pressed a cooling spongy thing to my head and I drifted into my link.

I moved aside the door and metal frame to hop out and I was met by Norm. His avatar healed earlier than mine and he's been accepted as a student under Peyral.

"Tsu'tey asked me to meet you here. I guess we're both having our ceremonies?" He was like an excited puppy.

"I don't see why not."
Norm and I unpacked our rooms, taking only what we needed, personal items like jewelry, photos of forgotten loved ones, comfort items. I had my last beef steak with Norm before we set off in a Sampson by sunset.
The long ride, for them, was nothing but a few minutes. Sleeping through most of it, it was the most rest either of them had gotten in the last few days.

Getting out at first, Kohane was nervous. Her heart was pounding so loud with excitement. The great glowing trees where so much bigger in this body. Or they seemed that way. She felt fidgety, ready to take this mask off and be with Tsu'tey.
I was dressed in simple ivy-like vines and ushered into the center of the forest. It was a shallow pool of water with glowing roots dipped into it from the trees beside it. The roots where the bottom of the clear pool.

"Go inside child, Tsu'tey brings your body." Mo'at directed.

So, hesitantly, with great weight on my body, I stepped into pool. Immediately, there was a great presence with me. Guiding me into the center of the water. As I laid down into the clear pool, Tsu'tey brought my body to the same place. And as the roots reached my body, I was linked into a great well of souls.

A blinding blankness entered my mind and I saw people, all around me. Many many of them where Omatikaya and Anurai. Very recent.

"I see you, Kohäne Te Pasu' Hahaw'ite." A young woman greeted me. She looked to be Neytiri's age.

"Do you know me?" I asked her. She looked like Mo'at. A wide nose, wide eyes, but she held a leading tone like Eytukan.

"I think you know me. Tsu'tey may have said something of me." She was letting me process.

"You must be Sylwanin! Grace talked about you a lot." I grabbed her hands in excitement. I've heard so many good things about her. And she seems to be as I have been told. Beautiful, smart, funny, and she's very friendly.

"And she talks to me very often now. I would bring you to her, but we are almost out of time." She grabbed my hand and lead us down the great root we where standing on.

"So, Tsu'tey an-"

"Yes we where betrothed. And it seems that now that I am gone, Eywa has allowed him to heal and move on. He is lucky, but I am very happy for both of you."

She seems sad almost.

"I have been watching you since your arrival you didn't hear me until the great dying." She meant the battle. I was confused and disoriented.

"I thought Eywa was that voice. The singing, the crying."

"Yes and no. Eywa is in all of us, and she was once a person. The first Na'vi to access the well of souls. Our great mother spirit had never had a name before her. She greeted everyone until she truly became one with the mother spirit. They are one in the same, and in a way, all who are in the well of souls, are a part of Eywa. We all cry when she does, we sing when she does. Certain voices go to certain people. Only Tsahik can hear them all." She informed. We had come up to the base of the great tree. It was a willow, large and hollow.

"Go inside, Eywa will guide you. I hope to speak to you again soon." She smiled and waved me off into the tree.

Up and up and up the great spiral of the tree, it was like Kelutral. I reached an opening to a branch. There was an echoing voice beckoning me.

"Za'u ne oe"(come to me) she whispered.

I slowly and carefully stepped out onto the branch. Hahaw was there to greet me with a gentle smile.

"Sa'nok! Ma Sa'nok, oe lom nga nìtxan!"(Mother! Mother, I miss you so much!" I said in our language.

"Child, you must wake up now. If you stay much longer, Eywa will claim you from the living world." She placed a motherly hand on my cheek and rubbed her thumb over my palm, "the world waits for you, as does Tsu'tey. Don't keep them waiting, my child."

"I love you mother, I promise to visit you." I wiped away one of my tears.

"Go child. I will watch over you."
The resting Atokirina began to fly away, feeling the Na'vi woman below her stirring.

"Sa'nu..." she echoed.

"Lu hasey!"(it is finished!) the Tsahik commanded. The chanting of the clan had finished, the onlookers from the Ni'awve clan had been in suspense. A healing ceremony on the dawn of the darkest season was a omen of good things if it succeeds.

Rising from under the waters, she was soaked in divine water and serenity. To her eyes, Polyphemus had never been so bright.

"Koha!" Into the arms of her beloved, she felt sudden euphoric joy.

"Tsu'tey..." she smiled.

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