20-Ayoare 'awsiteng

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Tsu'tey wanted to travel back to the Syu'tsani clan again, with his family this time. And this was our first official meeting, needless to say, I was more than anxious.

Tsu'tey's father is an older man who must have been as handsome as his son. A very proud man. His clothes where much like Eytukan's the feathered piece and necklace to match, but no head piece. When he learned about Tsu'tey's break from being Olo'eyktan, he was disappointed, but proud that his son was capable of making decisions for himself.

Artsut, was a striking woman, beautiful and filled with mystery and vanity. She was highly decorated more so that Mo'at. As Tsu'tey's mother, she was very upset to find that I was the one joining us on the trip to her husbands old clan. And she was just as upset to find that Tsu'tey was not spending this time being Olo'eyktan.

And Arvok, was missing or dead.

I could tell this was going to be a long trip. Only Ateyo had an Ikran so Artsut had to ride with him. Tsu'tey and I had it covered.

We spent the first day packing, and saying goodbye to friends and other relatives. I spent a lot of time with Rìni.
The ride out was long, Artsut kept complaining about the company Tsu'tey keeps and Ateyo kept trying to tell her to be respectful. To no avail obviously.

And this was really rubbing me the wrong way, after all, I am right next to her.

As soon as we landed in the sea-side clan, Ateyo found his niece, the Tsahik, whose name is Runipay te Rongloa Sya'an'ite. Artsut was nowhere to be seen after that. But Ateyo introduced me to Runipay, Runipay's mate whose name is Pay'na, and their adopted son Sotsul. Tsu'tey didn't know he had a cousin. According to Runipay, she had known that Tsu'tey was her cousin but due to how far she lived from the clan, was unable to make him aware of this.

Regardless, they began exchanging stories and information and Runipay generously let us stay in the hut besides hers. I wasn't actually around to know this, once they began talking, I walked out to the beach and dipped my toes in the cool water.

"Koha!" Tsu'tey greeted happily from up the sand bank.

"Tsu'tey, do you know where your mother went?"

"I think she is with the weavers, she likes nice clothes." He shrugged.

"Alright, I was just worried that she may have wandered or gotten lost." I trudged out further into the water.

I heard him follow me, chuckling while he did so. He caught up with me quickly, but I splashed him and ducked under the water. The small fish and teylu swam about around us. Our chase brought us out a couple yards away from shore.

He had tackled me and dumped me back in the water. We were disrupted by Artsut throwing a fit, or getting our attention depending on how you see it.

"Son, is this the girl you're planning on spending your life with? An alien?!" She shrieked at Tsu'tey. It earned the attention of anyone on the beach.

Tsu'tey was floored. If she wasn't his mother he would've snapped. And I didn't have the courage to. I cowered behind him. I can fight in a war but I can't face his mom. What is wrong with me.

"Artsut! Our son is in love!" Ateyo said firmly, "let him be happy, I can't remember the last time I saw Tsu'tey smile, and she is the one who makes him happy." He pulled her away to talk.

Tsu'tey shook himself out of his frozen state.

"I'm sorry... not everyone will approve is us... my mother least of all. Not even Sylwanin was good enough for her."

"Who's Sylwanin? I've heard her name, but never met her." When I asked, he pulled me down onto the sant with him to sit.

"Sylwanin was a past love. Neytiri's older sister. I was betrothed to her, but when she attacked the skypeople with other students, she hid in Grace's school and was killed by the skypeople. It was long ago, but her passing still hurts Neytiri and I." He explained.

"There was a photo of her in Grace's things. You all must have been close."

"Yes, but... that's over now. But with great loss comes great love. And I have felt my fair share of both." He sighed.

I only now realized how bad he's been hurting. He's managing it all so well. Everytime I dealt with loss, besides the most recent, I held it all in. And then when I let myself feel something, it all came out on the battlefield.

I wrapped my arms around him, I can't begin to fathom all of that pain he hasn't let out.

We ended up falling asleep in the sand.

I know because I hit my head on the link pod when I tried to wake myself up.
The Syu'tsani are very different from the Omatikaya. And as much as Kohane loves her clan, part of her loves the water here. And although she belongs to the Omatikaya, Runipay had half a mind to ask Mo'at for her. Which could be arranged. But, until Tsu'tey makes his decision, Kohane made it abundantly clear that her decision will also be his.

And Tsu'tey didn't know that Runipay had made that proposal. He was immersing himself into the culture of the Syu'tsani. They rely so heavily on the water and the rivers around them that they have songs for the rivers that run through their clan. They weave nets and make small traps from sea plants and whatever they can get their hands on. Their clothes are beaded rather than cloth-like. They don't waste anything. They have a way to track the fish's migration patterns and feeding patterns, they usually utilize this twice a year to boost the amount of fish they end up catching.

Like the Tayrangi, the Syu'tsani have little regard for rules, they're eclectic and progressive, and extraordinarily diverse. Many Avatars from the program decided to join the small clan.

Eventually, their stay ended with the Syu'tsani. Artsut hadn't spoken to Tsu'tey or Kohane. Ateyo has been silent about it the whole time. Their ride home was very very awkward.

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