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I was dragged along up the spiral of home tree, while trying not to stumble, I had to make sure I didn't drop my things.

"A starved yerik walks better than you." Tsu'tey said backhandedly.

"I'm sorry, I've never walked in a place like this." I struggled to get out my apology, but why am I even apologizing? I can't help the way I walk. He pulled me forward and stopped walking.

"Rìni has clothes for you. When you are finished, come down the spiral, you will sit with the ones who found you." He said, unamused. I nodded and turned to Rìni.

"Here, these are for you." Rìni handed me a clean, seemingly new, loincloth which thankfully covered everything it needed to cover, with the exception of my whole ass. My whole ass is just out in the wind... this is going to take some getting used to. The top wasn't as bad, but I'm very used to wearing a bra. I mean my avatar doesn't because it's too much work to make a giant bra in several different sizes for all the avatars but, it's fine. The top was a simple beaded cloth which would've hung loosely from my body if it weren't for the loops which tied at the back. It was more like a torn up tshirt than anything else. There were loops at the shoulder which looked like tshirt sleeves but it didn't cover me like a tshirt could. Over all, 8/10 look, I wish my booty wasn't showing.
I came down the steps with Rìni, who pointed out Tangek and his mom to me. They noticed me and waved me over. Tsu'tey happened to be sitting there too. Great. Just great.

The singing was halted by Jakes presence, but resumed shortly after when I sat down with Tangek and his family. Rìni was his little sister, Hahaw was a widow.

"So, any other family? Loved ones?" I asked as a simple conversation starter.

"No, Rìni and I don't have time for that." Tangek laughed, "we are starsiyu, or gatherers, we gather the gifts of Eywa for the clan. Busy work." Tangek sounds proud to be in the work he's in.

"What about you, Hahaw?" I asked. She handed me a leaf wrap full of these grub looking things, they smell really good.

"I am a cook, a very respected role."

"I see, my home... we don't respect those who cook as much as we should. Mostly because not many people cook anymore. Our food is already made for us by machines. But my grandmother," I touched the necklaces on my neck, "she never relied on it and cooked meals for the whole neighborhood."

"Nebrrhood?" Rìni asked.

"Yes, it's a community of people who live in the same place, just like your home tree, but not as big." I liked getting questions, I like exchanging information with anyone.

"Bah! You people know nothing about kelutral!" Tsu'tey hissed.

"Eat child, do not let Tsu'tey hurt your feelings." Hahaw encouraged.

"Thank you." I spent the rest of the night talking with this close family unit. They remind me so much of what home was like before my grandparents passed.
"You can sleep on the family hammock if you'd like?" Hahaw offered Kohane.

"Why would you want a filthy alien on your hammock, she will sleep in her own hammock." Tsu'tey answered for Kohane, "You will sleep next to the other warrior dreamwalker." He disregarded. He grabbed her wrist again, pulling Kohane up the spiral of home tree again to a branch level with several hammocks attached. He gave her no words and slipped into his hammock and watched her closely to make sure she wouldn't fall. Her death or injury would fall on his shoulders.

Kohane slipped into the hammock easily, she had one when her grandparents took her to the park. She fell asleep while remembering them fondly.
She woke up and hit her head on the pod again.

"Fuck!" She opened the pod quickly and rubbed the sore spot.

"Again?" Grace asked.

"Yeah... By the way, we're safe and all th-"

"Jake told me. I'm glad you're alright."
For dinner and the next morning, all Grace could talk about was Jake and Kohane. It was visibly upsetting Norm, of course, there's nothing he can do about it. But everyone but him were happy for those two.
Grace gave us a rundown of the names of the Omatikaya people who were prominent in the clan. Tsu'tey, Neytiri, Sylwanin, Eytukan, and Mo'at. I drilled them into my head to remember their names. It took me a second to link, and then I did.

I climbed out of my hammock and Followed Jake down. We didn't say anything, instead we roamed home tree. I heard the laughter of children, the work of the Na'vi, the plans for a new hunting project. How exciting!

A few kids began following Jake and I. I laughed and Jake shot me a confused look.

"We are dressed like them, they think it's silly." I smiled.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you all, don't grow too fast." I snickered and pointed at Jake and I, "Growing too fast makes you look a lot like us, right Jake?"

He couldn't tell what I was saying but nodded anyway.

Soon, Neytiri rode in with another pa'li in tow.

"That's for me, I'll see you K." Jake hurried over to greet Neytiri. I waved them off and let the kids tell me their stories and teach me their game's rules.

"Alien!" Tsu'tey called, "Come, you have much to learn." The kids waved goodbye and I smiled and left to grab a bow from Tsu'tey's hand. We began walking and I admired the craftsmanship of the bow.

"So, we're starting off with marksmanship? Beautiful bow by the way, it's really well made." The bow was like a recurve bow, powerful and tense, it was made of bone and wood, the handle was a smooth and textured skin wrap and I'm sure the string was sinew.

"You will have to talk to Tangek's uncle, Ra'u about learning to make one, this is a practice bow." Tsu'tey informed. I nodded and tried keeping pace with Tsu'tey's longer strides. I was already out of breath by the time we reached the shooting range.

"What is wrong with you? Are you ill?"

"No Tsu'tey, I just have lung problems, I was born months too early, I didn't grow properly, this body doesn't know that it has good healthy lungs." I bent over to avoid sitting in the mud.

"You will have to be better to be a warrior." Tsu'tey commented.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'll be better. Just give me a moment." I began doing some breathing exercises my Grandmother taught me. She had asthma as a young girl, so she never could get a whole breath of air in or out.

"I'm ready." I stood up tall and met Tsu'tey's eyes for a moment. He glanced away and focused on the target. He took his bow, put his arm straight out, and nocked his arrow. His arrows were different, spiraled feathers. He drew to the corner of his mouth and released the arrow. It struck the red circle in the middle.

"You must do this every time. If you do not, you will not move on in your lesson." He warned.

"I understand." I gripped the bow in my left hand and grabbed an arrow from the secondary quiver, it was a practice arrow, I pulled back to my cheek and gazed at where I wanted the arrow to land. I readjusted my aim accordingly and I released the arrow.

It struck just above Tsu'tey's arrow.

"Good, now do that many times. I will tell you how you did when you are out of arrows." There we're only five arrows in the quiver, they must be meant to be reused.

Should be easy.

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