Introduction and premise.

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Okay, so, to premise this I need to say that this character is a lot like me in circumstance, but she is nothing like me. So, this is a new character and protagonist I hope she can guide you in a less depressing way than I would.

Kohane King is a girl born to two separate parents. They split when she was young, but they agreed to raise her together anyway. But that all ended abruptly when a tragedy took over their lives. A horrible natural disaster had taken away the lives of them. But Kohane was alive, and she was scared. But she kept moving forward. It was all she could do.

Growing up with her grandparents, Kohane lead a sheltered, small life in a comfortable space. She picked up things like art, reading, books, scrapbooking, and eventually photography.

It all started when her grandfather went to clean the attic to find the old vacuum cleaner for the local yard sale.

"Oh! Kohane dear! You scared me." The old man chuckled. The creases on his face were ones from strain and happiness across his many years. His granddaughter, Kohane, who wasn't much older than 8, had a fiery and dangerous curiosity about her. She had climbed the creaky old stairs of the attic to explore this space she'd never seen before.

"Look, Koha," he picked up an old almost ancient boxy camera with a large lens on it, "your grandmother used to use this to photograph the sky when she was a little older than you are now, and she ended up giving it to your mom."

He didn't need to say more. She had begun inspecting the old camera and the photos from an album. A fire was lit in her that her grandparents had never seen before. Unfortunately, they wouldn't live to see it flourish. When she was 16, they were evicted because their neighborhood was sold to a company to be used however they saw fit. And her grandparents passed away shortly after. 

She kept moving forward.

She became a news photographer, working with zoos and wildlife preservations until they went downhill too. So she applied for the avatar program to work there too. She just needed to keep moving forward.

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