Bonus chapter: Wìvekx'il sa'nok

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Far from the refuge of Hometree, in a small cave, two palulukans and three na'vi were preparing to welcome new life into the world.

"Now that we have sacred beasts in our clan. We need to honor them and their offspring."  Neytiri said while ushering her palulukan away.

"I agree, but I think we should focus on the task at hand." Kohane agreed. She was bonded with her friend to take on most of her pain for her, their offspring is small, and there's little risk, but the worst of the pain is now.

Tsu'tey was there for Kohane, she has known pain, but none like this. He was rubbing her hand and smiling a little. This was an exciting and rare thing and he has gotten used to his friend and lover's palulukans.

"You're doing so well, Wìveykx." Kohane coo'd. The pain was subsiding from both of their excitement at the first cub. Immediately, Wìveykx's first instinct was to investigate, but Neytiri was already there, cleaning the mewling prrnen(infant/baby). She set the child down next to Wìveykx, right next to her stomach to keep the child warm.

The next was born and Taro'vol tried to enter to meet his kids but Wìveykx promptly hissed at him and he wiggled his way out. Tsu'tey chuckled before saying.

"If we have children, I hope you don't hiss at me like Wìveykx. I would be very scared." It was a half joke, half flirt.

And then the last one was born after he said that. Three healthy cubs that hadn't yet opened their eyes. And at that, Taro'vol was allowed to enter.


I disconnected from Wìveykx after feeling her pride and joy from her new family, as Tsu'tey, Neytiri, and I left the cave, we heard Taro'vol purring loudly from inside. I'm sure they'll be fine. But for the next year or so, those baby palulukans won't be able to leave their parents so we'll have to watch over them once they can walk. I'm sure one or two of them will stick around as adults, but I know they will be bound to leave someday. I'm just glad I got to meet them all on their first day.

"After watching that, do we want kids?" Tsu'tey asked.

I pondered it for a moment while we walked back to our hometree.

"I'm not sure, but I'd love to see you as a father." Kohane mentioned.

"Tsu'tey, as a father? He'll probably be the most over cautious dad if Jake isn't." Neytiri mentioned. I forget how well the know each other.

"I think I'd be a good father!" Tsu'tey argued for the sake of arguing, "I don't really mean that, I'm terrified of fatherhood, I'd much prefer to wait before we have children. Many couples wait, right?" He looked down at me.

"Not Neytiri and Jake."

"We're ready I hope." She sighed, Jake still has some growing to do.

Tsawke|Tsu'tey/OcUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum