Painting Kiri's Nails

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(Y/n) grabs her nail polish container and goes out to the living room. She puts on some music as she starts painting.
After a while the door of the apartment opens and Kirishima walks in.
He looks at his girlfriend and smiles softly. He takes off his shoes and hero costume.
The girl keeps her attention on her nails but greets the redhead. "Welcome home daddy shark. Did you have fun beating up villains?"
The hero laughs softly. "I'm happier to be here with you."
"You'll have to wait until the paint dries. I can do yours if you want."
"Nail polish isn't manly pebble."
(Y/n) frowns and looks at her boyfriend. "Only real men wear nail polish. Being so comfortable and confident that it doesn't matter what others think."
After thinking about it Kiri smirks. "You're right. It is manly. As long as it's red."
"I'll do red and black to match your hero costume."

Kirishima sits between her legs and lays his head on her lap. "Then let me stay here until you're ready."
(Y/n) smiles then frowns. She really wanted to play with his hair but she couldn't.
He rubs the side of her thigh and closes his eyes.
"Are you ok Eiji?" She asks, using a nickname.
"I just wanna enjoy this. Some of the villains were difficult."
"You don't have to talk about it. Just rest up ok daddy shark?"
"Yeah baby shark."
(Y/n) finishes her nails and makes sure they're dry.

Soft noises come from the redhead and she giggles softly.
"Don't tell me you fell asleep, Eijiro. My nails are done. I wanna do yours now."
Kirishima holds up his right hand.
She took this as her cue to start and that he was going to remain in his sitting position.
His free hand continues to rub her leg.

"Baby shark, do you really think I'm manly?"
His anxiety shows in his quiet tone.
"The manliest man in the whole world. Just because you have weakness doesn't mean you are any less manly. Eiji you are strong and confident, but you also have human weakness. That's why I love you so much. I will always be here for you."
He grips onto her leg and buries his face in her lap. "I love you too baby shark. You're just as manly...womanly? Either way you're the best."
(Y/n) bends down and kisses her boyfriend's head.

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