Epilogue 2: Two lines.

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I sat on Ace and I's bed with the pregnancy test sitting next to me

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I sat on Ace and I's bed with the pregnancy test sitting next to me. It had been over ten minutes now and I just couldn't look.

Ace and I had barely been married for a year, and when I realised my cycle was late...

I rolled my shoulders and grabbed the test.

Two lines.

I'm pregnant.

I stared in awe at the two pinks lines. Very clear lines.

Tears now streamed down my face. I was pregnant with Ace's child. Our child.


"Hey, how are you feeling angel?" Ace shrugged off his jacket and stalked into the closet.

I had told him I was feeling unwell a couple hours ago when it was time for us to take our walk through the streets of Elisora. He offered to stay and take care of me, but I told him to go without me.

Once he had left, I had taken the pregnancy test.

I was sitting at my vanity, brushing my hair out. He stood behind me and placed a kiss on my head. He was uncuffing his sleeves when I placed my hair brush down and rolled my shoulders back.

"I'm feeling alright, but my shoulders are killing me. Will you use the lavender oil and massage them? I think I left it on the counter in the bathroom."

He smiled, "Of course I can beautiful."

Once he was in the bathroom, I stood up and tucked my chair in. I walked over to the bathroom and found him staring at the three positive pregnancy tests I had deliberately left on the counter for him to see.

I had taken two more tests after the first one just to be sure.

He was gaping at them with tears running down his face. I tiptoed over to him and wrapped my arms around waist, resting my cheek on his back. He spun around and picked me up. He put me down on the counter and stood in between my legs.

"We're having a baby?" he murmured.

I put my forehead against his, "Yes Ace, we are."

Now tears were streaming down both of our faces, but he had the most heart-warming smile I had ever seen. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his.

His hands rubbed my sides while mine tugged at his hair.

We pulled apart with our foreheads still resting against each other's. I shut my eyes and savoured his warmth.

"I can't wait to see our baby Toria. I love you so much." He whispered, whilst peppering kisses all over my face.

A small laugh left my mouth, "I can't wait either. I love you too."

He pulled me off the counter and kissed my forehead, then got onto his knees and kissed my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you, don't give your mother to much trouble for me. I love you already." He kissed it again, then grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bathroom.

I squeezed his hand before dropping it and making my way to our bed while he walked into the closet.

I slid into the sheets. Ace walked out in his pyjamas. He switched off all the lights and then made his way to our bed. He slipped into the sheets and grabbed my waist, pulling my closer.

I placed my head on his chest. His hands gently stroked my hair, I smiled into his chest.

"I love you, my darling." He whispered once again.

"I love you too, my love. I'm so excited that I'm starting a family with you."

His arms cradled me, and I fell asleep in his arms. Knowing this was just the beginning of our little family.


"Hey guys!"

Ace and I walked into the dining room the next day. The team was sitting around the table arguing over nonsense while eating breakfast.

Once the Sinister Seven had broken up and started with their own lives, the team didn't really have anywhere else to go. So, Ace and I let them stay in the castle.

Kai and Harrison were out on a holiday. Ace and I would tell them about our pregnancy when they came back.

"Hey Vi! What's that in your hands?" says Luna.

I walked over to the table and placed the box in the middle of it. I took a few steps back and leaned against Ace. He wrapped his arms around me and let his chin rest on my shoulder.

"It's a present for you guys. Open it up!"

Davina carefully tugged at the ribbon and placed it next to the box. She lifted the lid and stared in the box.

"Is that a thermometer?" Asher looked super confused.

"You moron. It's a pregnancy test. And it's..." Luna lost track of her words.

"You're pregnant?" Davina whispered with a hand hovering over her mouth.

I nodded.

They all jumped out of their chairs and ran over to hug me. I'm pretty sure all of them were crying at this point.

"Congratulations Vi! Oh god, there's going to be a little version of you two running around the castle."

Luna wiped her tears away, "I'm so happy for you V. Eek! I cannot wait for this new edition to our family!"

Ace wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into his touch and whispered, "I can't wait either."

a/n: thank you for reading :) have a wonderful day!

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