Chapter Twenty Three - Blood loss

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I woke up to my phone alarm blaring

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I woke up to my phone alarm blaring. I groaned into the pillow before rolling over and switching it off. I slid out of bed and wiped the sleep away from my eyes.

I needed to go apologise to Davina , if she was awake of course. I quickly brushed my teeth and fixed my hair before walking outside and seeing Davina on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands. She was in a cropped shirt so I could see the huge bandage on her abdomen. There was an oval sized red circle on it. She brought her eyes up to me and gave me a small smile. I rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"Ow," She whispered.

"I'm so sorry Davina. I'm so goddamn sorry. I never meant to harm you, I... I just... everything is just so messed up and I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to get involved in my bull and I'll totally understand if you want nothing do with me." I mumbled against her hair.

"Victoria, I know what happened. I forgive you; you didn't mean it. You'd never shoot me, and I know it. You're one of my closest friends, you're like a sister to me, obviously I would know if you actually wanted to kill me."

A tear fell onto her hair, and I pulled back and smiled at her. She smiled back and patted the spot next to her. I sat down and rested my head on her shoulder, we sat in silence for a while.

Elijah strolled in and took a seat next to me. I took my head off Davina's shoulder and turned to him as he grabbed both my hands.

"I'm sorry Victoria. I should've listened to you before I got ahead of myself. I was just so worried for Davina and you; everything was muddled up for me. I'm so sorry – I really am." He squeezed my hands and I squeezed back.

"I know Elijah, and I forgive you. I will always forgive you, no matter how badly you hurt me." He embraced me in a bone crushing hug. He released me and gave me one of the biggest grins I've seen.

"I made pancakes, want some?"

"Sure." He yanked me up and pulled me toward the kitchen.

"Careful V, I'm 99% sure they aren't cooked properly!" Davina yelled from behind me.

"Shut up Davina! I cook way better than you!" Elijah shouted back. I laughed before taking a seat on the island and digging into the plate of pancakes in front of me.


"We need more weapons for this too work." Davina said from across the table.

"If there are going to be this many guards and no way to get rid of them, the best thing to do is get as many down as we can."

Ace, Kai, Madeline, and my team were huddled around the dining table staring at a map of the castle. The red dots represented guards – there were hundreds of them.

"What about the underground passageways?" Harrison asked.

"Uh... they were uh..." Kai cleared his throat before continuing, " They were closed off years ago."

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