Chapter Thirty Four - Oh. My. God.

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"Victoria, don't you dare

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Victoria, don't you dare." I whispered.

We had been sitting on this damn rooftop for almost twelve hours now. Victoria was getting relentless, I had to pull her back to my side every time she tried to sneak off.

She had been begging me to let her go and get a closer look. I said no every single time, but she still continued to bother me with the same question.

But now I think it's best if we do go and get a closer look.

We had left at around 10am, and it was pitch black outside now. The guards were still standing outside the entrances and the carpark in front was deserted.

It wouldn't be hard to sneak around the building or use the next buildings over roof to spy on the inside through the one open window, but I was afraid we'd be caught, no matter how stealthy we were.

"Ace, we aren't getting any information from all the way over here. We need to get closer. Listen, if you don't let me go, I'll knock you out and leave."

I put the binoculars I was holding down and turned to face her. The corners of her mouth lifted slightly.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. But I'm coming with you."

She squealed and stood up.

"Hush, you'll wake the whole street up before we even get a good look inside this stupid warehouse."

"Whatever. C'mon, we are going to go around and then climb the building next to it."

I groaned as I followed her off the building we were on. I'm going to be really pissed if this warehouse is another dead end.


I yanked Ace up onto the roof

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I yanked Ace up onto the roof. I had been praying the whole time we made our way around the warehouse that there was some sort of ladder or pipe we could use to get onto the roof. From where we were stationed earlier, it looked like the building was some sort of fancy three storey apartment with a good enough roof. I knew we couldn't go inside and just randomly ask if we could use their roof, we both pretty much looked like burglars in the cloaks we were wearing.

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