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It was finally over.

Outside the delivery room Hank was standing against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and Gavin was anxiously holding Aria on his hip beside the waiting senior detective. The sudden shrill cry of the newborn made Hank smile and laugh a little as he knew that his first grandchild had been born at last and Connor was finally able to have the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world. Gavin could see the proud smile on Hank's face, but didn't say a word about it as he was determined to preserve his image as a gruff police detective; but holding his adoring daughter on his hip quickly ruined that attempted tough-guy act.

Ten minutes passed before the door to the delivery room slid open and Abby was wheeled out on a gurney to be taken into a private recovery room. Gavin followed right beside her and he grabbed onto her hand and held tightly and affectionately as he carried Aria in his right arm at his side.

"You did great, babe."

"Damn right I did." Abby replied proudly as she held her husband's hand and leaned back in the bed. "That's the last time I'm ever going through that, so I put my whole effort into my grand finale."

Smirking at the lighthearted comment from the exhausted woman Hank just knew that everything went off without any problems. Looking toward the still opened door of the delivery room Hank took a step forward and peered inside the room and instantly smiled as he saw Connor sitting in the chair with his newborn baby in his arms and a proud smile on his face.


With tears of joy still glistening in his soulful brown eyes Connor looked up at Hank and laughed a little as he spoke. "...It's a boy."

"...I have a grandson." Hank almost sighed with his own tears in his eyes as he joined his son inside the room and peered down at the newborn's tiny face surrounded by the soft swaddling towel. The baby had dark brown hair, dark blue eyes and a very fair complexion that mirrored Connor's own perfectly. "And he's gorgeous."

"His name is Henry." Holding the small baby against his heart Connor gave Hank a big smile. "...Henry Cole Anderson."

As soon as Connor said the full name Hank shed his tears of joy as he put a proud hand to Connor's shoulder and stayed beside his son and his newborn grandson with a renewed vigor for life behind the gesture. "...That's perfect, son. He's perfect."

Just one floor up from the delivery room Abby's private recovery room was filled with flowers, cards, balloons and a massive soft pillow from well-wishers, and of course from Connor himself to acknowledge her giving birth. He had cybernetically ordered three very large vases of flowers to thank Abby the moment she gave birth and made sure to include notes of gratitude with all three of the vases to thank her for what she had done. Gavin had also brought Abby some flowers while sneaking in their bottle of expensive champagne as he tended to his recovering wife and gave her another kiss for her efforts and for her priceless good deed for her friend in need.

Gavin strolled into the recovery room with his hands holding the flowers and the champagne with a smug smile on his face. Closing the door behind himself Gavin made sure that he and his wife had some quiet privacy to talk.

"More flowers?" Abby asked as Gavin handed her the bouquet of dark red roses. Aria was sitting on her lap on the bed and was mesmerized by all the brightly colored flowers and balloons that surrounded her, and was giggling loudly with joy. "What's the occasion?"

"Why not? You just brought another human into the world, that's worth at least one bouquet of flowers." Sitting down in the chair beside her bed he grabbed onto Abby's right hand and held tight. "What kind of asshole doesn't get his wife some flowers after she gives birth?"

Accident Prone - Becoming Human (The Final Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now