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Normally Hank wasn't the type of person to get 'cabin fever', especially when recovering from an injury, but for the past five days he had gotten increasingly stir crazy and anxious as winter seemed to creep in at a surprisingly sluggish pace. To keep his mind busy Hank set about cleaning the house and rearranging the furniture - despite the house already being practically spotless thanks to Connor's personal tidiness, and then frantically checked his phone repeatedly as if waiting for an excuse to leave the house or go and do something important as he set about checking each and every room of the house for something he simply couldn't see.

The ever attentive deviant knew that something was bothering Hank, but no matter how much he pressed the matter stubborn human wouldn't admit to anything. From inside the livingroom Connor had been watching the senior detective curiously while running a brush through Sumo's messy winter fur as he sat on the floor with the massive dog sprawled over his lap.

"Please sit down for a moment. You're still-"

"I know, son. I know." Hank interrupted as he finished rearranging the kitchen cabinets and closed the doors with a soft 'thud'. "I'm still healing. But I'm also going nuts from being stuck inside for almost a solid week. It's January and in a few more weeks it's going to be snowing even harder and it'll be too damn cold to go anywhere. I can't stand being cooped up all winter. This entire summer and fall were already cold and wet enough, so the last thing I want to deal with is more ice and snow... I hate the winter."

Connor's brow arched inquisitively as he studied Hank's demeanor from afar. "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine." Not expecting such a question Hank flashed his son a stunned glance as he proceeded to wipe down the kitchen table with a wet rag. "Why?"

"You seem unusually distracted and restless despite having adequate time to heal. You've only behaved this way previously when we finished taking care of the Corvette just prior to you revealing it to be a gift to me." Sensing something in the air Connor began searching for his own answers as Hank stood in the middle of the kitchen and shifted his weight anxiously from one foot to the other. "Is there something going on that I should either be aware of or that I should pretend to not be aware of?"

"No, son." Maintaining a poker-face Hank wrung out the rag in the sink and then draped it over the back of the faucet to dry. "Everything is fine."

"I also hate to ask, but," gently pushing Sumo off of his legs as he rose from the floor to speak to Hank more directly, Connor began to nervously wring his hands nervously together in front of himself before he quickly moved his hands behind his back and out of Hank's sight. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen Connor stared at his father with a worried glance and watched his demeanor very closely. "is this weather affecting your memories regarding the... accident?"

"I won't deny it, kid. I can't help but think about Cole and all that jazz every time it snows." Admitting that was one of the things on his mind made Hank finally stand still and stop looking for something else to clean. "But it's not as bad this year as it has been the previous few years, so that's something good I guess."

"That's good to know. Is there anything else upsetting you or at the very least bothering you to some degree?"

"Uh... It's complicated. And," lifting up a 'shushing' left hand the senior detective expertly stopped the question before it was asked. "I don't want to talk it, and since it revolves around something that's really none of my business I don't have the right to talk about it."

"I will respect your privacy." Relenting for the moment Connor backed off and proceeded to head back to the livingroom to clean up Sumo's brushed out fur that had collected in large clumps on the floor and then put the brush away. "I won't ask anything else if you don't want to talk about it."

Accident Prone - Becoming Human (The Final Chapters)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin