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The term and reality was so familiar for humans and yet it was a seemingly impossible role for a deviant to take upon himself.

But not anymore.

Everything had changed and now anything was possible.

Connor was left effectively mute, awestruck and expectedly stunned by Abby's life changing words. As she continued to hold his now trembling hand against her laboring belly Connor almost jumped when he felt the small baby kicking against his palm again, and felt a sudden weight pressed against his heart as it began to thunder in his chest with uncontrollable emotions. Breaking his gaze from Abby's bright hazel eyes he looked down at her large belly under his hand where he felt the baby still kicking, his baby, and looked back up at her as if expecting her to say something else about the miraculous situation that he had been brought into.

"H-How..." Connor stammered and immediately trailed off with awkwardness as he stared at Abby with utter loss in his massive soulful brown eyes. "I-I don't... This is impossible! We never... We spent the night together once before, but we were never... We didn't... We're friends! What's happening, Abby?"

"Connor, it's going to be okay. Take in a deep breath and try to calm down." Abby stated in a soothing voice as she could see that Connor was thoroughly confused, almost frightened, and seemed like he was on the verge of losing his cool. "Listen to me, let me tell you what happened. You did nothing wrong, okay? Just listen to what I'm saying and take in a deep breath."

Unable to move, let alone speak, all Connor could do was stare at Abby with his absolute full attention as he tried to keep breathing.

"That D.N.A. sample that I took from your blood ten months ago gave me a look at your technical aesthetic parameters." Abby spoke with such a confidence that it was enough to keep Connor grounded as he listened. "When I finished analyzing the sample with Dr. Wilson we noticed that the parameters were equivalent to the genetic allele markers found in human D.N.A., and like human D.N.A. those parameters can be selected and activated at will. It's connected to the software androids use to alter their aesthetics; hair color, hair length, artificial skin tone... You get the idea."

"I still don't... Abby, how is this possible?" Too stunned to move Connor tried to process everything that she was telling him and he could feel his heart beating so hard he was certain that Abby could actually see the biocomponent pressing up against his chest with each thrum. "My D.N.A. isn't organic."

"No, it's not. BUT with a little clever bio-engineering and A LOT of favors called in, Dr. Wilson and I were able to have some fun with genetics and we discovered that we could apply your D.N.A. parameter markers on a donated human sperm sample and override the human's traits with that of your own. Essentially we theorized we could splice android D.N.A. with human D.N.A. to transfer the android likeness over the organic sample and give a biological connection to the deviant parent despite not being organic. All of this happens with the baby remaining one-hundred percent human but genetically connected to the deviant parent or parents."

A sharp contraction stole Abby's voice and made Connor's hand tense up as he could feel the muscles in her abdomen tighten in response. As the contraction ebbed away Abby breathed steadily and Connor's hand relaxed a little as well. Everything quieted down for a moment and it seemed as though everything was somehow natural.

The deviant who just discovered he was about to be a father was thoroughly stunned, but now understood the incredible breakthrough in the relationships between humans and deviants. A breakthrough he had the honor of taking part of as the first deviant android to father a biological child.

Accident Prone - Becoming Human (The Final Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now