Life With Henry

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Henry's First Week:

The good news of Henry's surprise birth spread like wildfire through the Central Precinct and everyone in the bullpen was eager to congratulate Connor on his wonderful news. While the ecstatic police Lieutenant was out on paternity leave to bond with Henry and adjust to his new life as a proud first time father, Hank moved around the precinct's work schedule and made sure every shift was covered during Connor's temporary absence, and that Gavin could earn some overtime since he was making great strides as a Detective and as a person. Everyone was improving their lives one way or another and that hard work deserved recognition.

Now that Luke was back in Boston and Rose had returned to her home to tend to her greenhouse, Connor and Hank were left alone to take care of Henry. While Hank had no problem adapting to the care of a newborn baby Connor was still struggling to find the right balance for taking care of Henry, taking care of Hank, taking care of himself and taking care of the rest of the house.

"You're certain about this?" Connor asked from the front passenger seat of the Oldsmobile as he looked into the backseat where Henry was safely secured to his baby-seat. The newborn was awake and alert, but somehow seemed groggy at the same time. "I'd rather remain at home with the items and the gifts that had already been provided for Henry rather than take him out in this cold weather."

"Trust me, son." Hank gently pulled the car into park and turned off the engine as they arrived at their destination. "Henry is going to outgrow those clothes a lot quicker than you think. Grab a few extras and some more boxes of diapers, and you'll be able to stay holed up at the house until your paternity leave is up in another five weeks."

"...All right." Opening up his door Connor closed it without slamming it before opening the rear passenger door to get to his son. "Hi, Henry."

The small baby was completely indifferent to the world around him as Connor slipped on the powder blue baby sling over his chest before unclipping Henry from his seat. As Connor gently secured Henry in the sling, his little legs sticking out either side of the supportive device, he grabbed the soft yellow blanket and wrapped it around the baby to protect him from the cold before wrapping the lapels of his leather jacket over top of the baby as well.

"Come on, kid." The senior detective and proud new grandfather encouraged as he neared the entrance of the massive store. The cold weather had kept most of the city indoors and out of the public, but there would always be a crowd at any department store that stocked items for babies. "The sooner you go inside, the sooner you can leave."

Taking a deep breath Connor looked down at his son as Henry rested while his chest pressed up against himself and relented. "I'm right behind you."

As the duo stepped inside the store through the automatic sliding doors of the department designed specifically to cater to the needs of infants and toddlers, Connor suddenly found himself being the target of numerous stares and smiles from the people already inside. It was as if the new father was somehow the center of everyone's world and Connor found the attention rather uncomfortable.

"...Why is everyone looking at me?" The shy new father whispered in a low voice as he put his hand behind Henry's head and held him close. Letting the baby rest his ear over top of his beating heart was a trick Connor quickly learned would help Henry relax and feel safe. "I don't like it."

"They're staring because you're an attractive guy with a newborn baby strapped to your chest. Right now you're irresistible to single people wanting to settle down with their own family."

"...They want to date me?"

Laughing at the naive question Hank gave Connor a casual shrug of his shoulders. "Something like that."

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