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It had been a full month since the failed assault from Quondam had left the entire city in a righteous panic. There had been no further threats posted by the mysterious masked man who was believed to be the ring leader of the underground hate group, but he was still wanted for questioning. Normally Connor would've been studiously looking over the collected evidence and theorizing on the true identity of the man in question, but on that day he simply couldn't seem to focus on anything. The unusual lack of dedication didn't pass by unnoticed by Hank who had been watching Connor curiously through the transparent glass wall of his private office.

Connor had been quiet all that morning and only answered quiet 'yes' and 'no' questions before they left the house. At this moment he looked like he was trying to not emotionally breakdown and he seemed completely disinterested in the world around him. Pressing his left palm to the side of his face Connor leaned against his arm and stared through the terminal screen in front of him.

Knowing that something was in fact wrong Hank left his office and joined Connor at his desk quietly. Sitting down at his old desk across from Connor the senior detective waited for a few minutes to see if Connor would look up or say something to him first, but when the deviant didn't respond he took the initiative to begin the conversation.

"Connor." Hank kept his voice low to not draw the attention of the rest of the bullpen. "What's on your mind?"

"...I'm distracted."

"I can see that, but why? You look like you're trying to carry the entire world on your shoulders again."

"Today is..." Lowering his voice a little Connor swallowed once to keep himself from letting out an emotional whimper as he spoke with Hank. "Today is my one year anniversary. With Skye."

"Oh, shit..." Everything suddenly made sense. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"This case-"

"Isn't going anywhere." Hank interrupted sharply as he deeply empathized with Connor's pain. "You're not the only one working on it."

"I can't seem to focus on it, or anything else for that matter. I just feel... sad."

"Yeah, kid. I know." Standing up from the desk Hank reached over to the terminal screen in front of Connor and turned it off. "Clock-out and go do something to honor Skye's memory. We'll work on the case for you."

"...Thank you, dad."

"Sure. Let me know if you need anything."

"I will." Rising from his seat Connor tried to appear as emotionally composed as he could, but there was no mistaking the pain in his soulful brown eyes. "I will see you at home this evening."

As the mourning deviant took his leave of the precinct Hank returned to his office to resume his own investigation into the all too important case at hand. But he too was suddenly distracted by past grief. Returning to his desk Hank looked down at his empty coffee mug and sighed as he looked over at the breakroom through the the transparent wall.

"Hope someone bothered to make a fresh pot of coffee for once."

Discreetly Hank glanced over to the top left corner of his desk and glanced down at the framed photograph of his late wife, Barbara holding their late son, Cole, in her arms. She was smiling with maternal pride as she held the toddler in her arms in a warm hug and seemed so truly and purely happy in that single image that would keep her happiness alive for the rest of time.

"I bet you'd be just as beautiful today as you were then, Barb."

Two knocks against the door to the office drew Hank's attention away from the photograph as Gavin opened the door. "Yeah?"

Accident Prone - Becoming Human (The Final Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now