Chapter 5: Intentions

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October 25 2019

It's been a couple days, Steve's job as a photographer has been going well so far without any problems, Steve also has been hanging out Mia along with Elizabeth. Although Everytime Mia sees Steve with Elizabeth. . . She feels upset. Mia also does have feelings for Steve now.

It's just six days away from Halloween and Everyone is excited and telling their plans, Steve Decided to go and take a walk outside while listening to music on his phone. Steve was changing the song as He was smiling and continued to walk peacefully until he heard someone calling his name.

He turned and saw who it was.

He turned and saw who it was

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Elizabeth: Hey Steve!

Steve: Oh Elizabeth, Surprise to see you here.

Elizabeth: Same here. Again I wanted to say thanks for the lunch yesterday, Really appreciate it.

Steve: *Laughs and smiles*Oh its no big deal, Elizabeth. Your a good friend.

Elizabeth: Awww thanks, You are too.

Both of them smiled and laughed, But unknown to them someone was there looking at the two.

Elizabeth: Hey, Do you wanna take a selfie with me?

Steve: Selfie? I don't really take selfies that much but sure.

Elizabeth: Awesome!!

Elizabeth pulled out her phone as She opened the camera. Both of them were giving smiles and looked at the camera as Steve gave a rock on sign as Elizabeth giggled, She took the picture as Both of them gave big smiles.

Elizabeth: That was awesome, Steve.

Steve nodded and smiled as Elizabeth was on Instagram and posted the selfie and smiled as She placed her phone back in her bag.

Elizabeth: So what are you doing?

Steve: Nothing, I was just taking a walk.

Elizabeth: I see. . Hey, Can I ask you something?

Steve: Of course, What is it?

Elizabeth: Are you. . . Dating anyone?

Steve looked at her as Elizabeth blushed and looked away as Steve just holded his neck and looked.

Steve: No actually. Why?

Elizabeth: O-Oh. I was just asking.

She giggled as Steve gave a smile and looked at her, Elizabeth continued looking at him.

Both of them were talking and were joking with eachother letting out laughters until Steve saw someone standing as He looked at her.

Steve: Mia? . . . . Hey, Mia!

Mia looked at Steve and had a big smile until she noticed Elizabeth standing as Mia gave a stare to her before she walked towards them.

Elizabeth: Hi!

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