Chapter One.

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"MADISON REYES!" the high pitched screams of my step mothers voice frantically screamed my name. I stepped out of the airplane, the chilling air hit my bare skin causing me to shiver. I was definitely not used to such low temperatures. My step mothers voice still called out my name in urgency from behind me, i sighed as i turned back around to see her lugging a large amount of baggage.

"it would be appreciated if you could be kind enough help Polly, Madison!" My father glared at me, his voice sounding slightly annoyed. I rolled my eyes being the rude teenage step daughter that i am - quoting what Polly always names me and waited at the foot of the airplane stairs until she reached the bottom so i could share the weight of the baggage.

"Thank you!" she snarled practically throwing the heaviest suitcase in my direction before trying to catch up with my father, almost tripping as she missed the last step. I laughed underneath my breath as i watched her try and recover, her eyes scanning around the bridge-way to see if anyone noticed. "After we dropped Madison at the school, i think we should do some sight seeing around London!"

"Maybe," my father mumbled in response as Polly wrapped her arms around my father.

"We may only come to England once, its our chance!" she persuaded him.

"I know but i want to know Madison gets settled in properly before we leave her!"

"Why bother caring now?" i muttered storming passed them.

"Darling, Polly and i care about you!" he lied. "Sending you to this boarding school will benefit your future!"

"More like benefit yours," I grumbled. "And hers!" I snapped looking back at Polly. I never got along with her, like in a fairy-tale the princess never gets along with step mother. This fairy-tale isn't going to have a happy ever after especially sending me to a boarding school in England miles away from my family and friends. Another reason why this isn't a fairy-tale because I'm not a princess looking for a prince, when it comes to love I'm a total dumb-ass.

"Why do you say that?" My father's voice echoed as I stormed ahead.

"Getting rid of your troublesome daughter is easier than having to put up with her behaviour!" I quoted the words I over heard Polly say when they were considering sending me to a boarding school, this was after I got expelled for 'accidentally' punching a teacher.

"Madison it's not like that-"

"You agreed to it!" I practically screamed coming to stop. "Don't even try and get out of this one, you want me gone as much as she does!"

"No darling-"

"I hope your happy!" I said sarcastically carrying on walking where I could see a taxi with a note saying 'Reyes's Family!'.

"Madison," my father's voice had suddenly changed, the tone was a lot softer as he clambered into the taxi after me.

"I'll get a taxi to our hotel," Polly excused herself. "See you later babe-"

"Now talk to me," he whispered as Polly walked off towards an empty taxi. Ours slowly began to move, I kept silent staring at the window holding back the flood of tears - I couldn't cry, not now.

"Nothing," I shrugged my shoulders.

"I really do believe sending you to this school will benefit you," he admitted truthfully. "They have excellent exam results and many of their students end up studying at the top university's,"

"I'm not even badly behaved!" I defended myself.

"You punched a teacher-" he reminded me chuckling quietly.

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