XXVIII. To need help due to other people's foolishness

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"By what right do they think they can enter my land? Terrorize my people, vandalize their homes and damage their livelihood?" he interjects, approaching. Seok emerges, growling grumpily. "Well, aren't any of you cowardly wretches going to speak?"

"O-our lord or-"

"If your lord orders you to rape your mothers I doubt you'll do it. So that excuse doesn't work for me" he interrupts gruffly and the man shrinks in place. Taehyung's thick voice intimidates anyone. "If this happens again I will have no compunction in demanding that you be imprisoned and if possible, executed. Now go back to your stubborn lord and repeat my words. Now, get the hell out of my home."

There is panic among Lord Bakh's men, their hands in the ground sink and a dark liquid comes out, forcing them to stand up in fright.

"Shall we watch them sir?"

"Do so."

Taehyung returns from whence he came: his room. He lies down on the futon and doesn't take long to have Jin lying on his chest. Taehyung lovingly strokes the pink hair. So long and scattered all over the futon and floor. She kisses him on the head and Jin lets out a sleepy sigh. Eunji yawns at the top of her lungs, Seok rubs with the dragon until he lies down next to her. Both ready to sleep.

"Yes was that what you thought?"

"Yes... What a bother" Taehyung snorts rubbing his face with one hand. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's okay."

Taehyung stares at the ceiling for a while. To have had such a good night and early morning with Jin only for in the morning, vibrations on the floor to wake him up. He felt footsteps, galloping and a strange rhythm in his land. When he sent workers to find out what it was about, he got what he suspected: a group of workers going to disturb the Japanese. Fortunately nothing serious happened and there are people helping to fix the damage.

It doesn't detract from the fact that Taehyung is genuinely upset about the matter. They don't have permission to invade their territory. He has not given it to them, much less to his lord. He fears it will get worse because nobles are like that, once one makes a move, the other will do the same. Perhaps framing a fellow nobleman who has nothing to do with it.

"Your head bothers me, my lord."


"Stop thinking so much. It's still early and it's a Sunday. You told me at night that your days off are mine and today is your day off," Jin comments climbing on Taehyung, running his hands over Taehyung's chest, pushing aside the white pajama fabric. "The swarming of your irritating thoughts are giving me a migraine."

"I'm just a little worried, that's all."

"Umm. I see," Jin muses. Taehyung sighs at the rubbing that goes from his chest, collarbone and neck. "Wait until later and at that time, you worries, not now. I like to hear other kinds of things. Not those obnoxious squeals."

"Oh, Jin," laughs Taehyung stroking her thighs. "Okay, okay, when the evening falls, I'll worry about that. For now, I'm all yours for whatever you feel like."

Jin gives a victorious chuckle, leaning back into him to press their lips together. Taehyung holds his head with one hand, his eyes closed and the floral scent flooding his nostrils.

~ * * * ~

"Lord Taehyung asked for our help. From the words of it, there has not been good acceptance to the small Japanese community he created by accident" Namjoon says to Agust who listens to him with boredom. "I considered it a good idea to send General Jungkook to take charge of the matter. He is an authority figure who is allowed to much in case there are refusals."

"Send him." replies Agust curtly.

He recently sent the emperor of Japan a note regarding some Japanese decided to stay and they are treated very well. The annual visit is near and Agust doesn't want to come off as a liar and overly sycophantic. He is confident that Taehyung can handle this, much more so with Jungkook. He assumes the situation has progressed too far to ask for help.

Namjoon was about to continue with another matter, but a chuckle interrupts him. Agust looks towards Jimin who has just entered the throne room. They assume he is coming to tell something regarding another conspiracy. Seeing him here has become a bad omen.

"I just gave my lord Jungkook important information, the matter will be settled by sunset" announces Jimin, the huge Eonjun meori adorning his head. "On the other hand, I heard what was being talked about here and wanted to ask to attend that trip."

"You? To go there?" retorts Namjoon.

"Lord Taehyung asked me to help with a health dilemma his prospective next heiress has" He intertwines his small fingers. "And my Lord Namjoon replied that it was impossible to go without someone to take care of me. I have no doubt that my lord Jungkook can escort me now that he has a reason to go there" Namjoon bites his cheeks. "However, I would also like to know if the emperor has no problem with it."

Agust gives a sigh. It would be two or three months with Jimin away from here.

"Go. Namjoon, arrange for the next visit to be there."

"But your majes- I-initiate right away."

Jimin gives a chuckle. It will always be amusing to see Namjoon intimidated by Agust and Ji sulking over a change of plan. Agust rises from his throne and Jimin grabs his arm to march with him to his room. Namjoon retires to get started on what his emperor asked of him.

Desert • Flower | TaeJin || BOOK 3#Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora