„What are you up to lately?" Little's father asks him, to his surprise.

„Nothing much." The light haired boy responds, playing with his food rather than eating it. The sudden question of his father made him slightly nervous.

„You are out every day aren't you?" His father continues asking and Little nods slowly while gulping.

„Yes it's- it's nice weather recently to just stay at home." His father nods in response and gladly doesn't ask any more questions.

„Is Yoongi not coming for dinner?" Little asks rather towards his mother than his father.

„He called earlier and told he won't make it on time. He will come home late today." His mother says and now it's Little's turn to nod.
They continue eating in silence and once they finished, Little heads to his room. He got himself fresh clothes and went to take a quick shower before changing into his Pyjama.

With his book he lies down on his bed, reading the first few pages quite concentrated, but soon his mind trails off. Once again he has to think about the dancer, the amazing Jung Hoseok. His heart feels warm at the thought of him, his whole body is actually feeling strange but also good.

Little closes his book and hugs it tightly, his cheeks turning red and hot at some specific thoughts he had today. And moments, close and intimate moments, he had shared earlier with the older male.

A soft smile that he fails to suppress, appears on his lips. He can't wait to see Hoseok tomorrow. And hopefully the day after tomorrow. Little can feel the excitement spreading through his body, spending time with Hoseok, dancing with him, laughing with him, being close to him, everything about it, is so exciting. And Little can't wait for the next day to finally start so that he can be with Hoseok as soon as possible. With that he closes his eyes, finally letting his sleep catch him.


Little didn't expect Hoseok's ‚I'll be waiting for you' to mean that he will be literally waiting for him, outside - in front of his house. Once again throwing rocks at his window, but this time at the right one.

Opening the window and carefully looking down to not be hit by a rock, Little notices the older male standing outside, waving at him.

"Good Morning handsome!" Hoseok shouts with a laugh, his face is shining brightly as if he is representing the sun himself. For a short moment Little is mesmerized, first because of the name he called him and second because of Hoseok's looks, his whole appearance is breath taking.

"Can I take you out to have breakfast with me?" The older interrupts his trance and Little blinks a few times, slightly overwhelmed because he just woke up.

"Is it a yes or no?" Hoseok asks chuckling and finally Taehyung can get his mind together to answer the question.

"It's- it's a yes." He answers before rubbing his eyes, still slightly tired. The older laughs and points at his car.

"I will be waiting at my car, take your time."

Once Little was ready, put on some comfortable clothes, brushed his teeth and washed his face, he heads outside to meet the older who has been waiting for him.

"Are you ready?" Hoseok asks while opening the door of the passenger seat for Little.

"Uhm- yeah I guess." Little mumbles, his voice is still sleepy and so is his face. Little did he know, that Hoseok truly enjoyed this side of him. They both get into the car and as soon as Hoseok starts the engine, they drive off to the center of the town. After finding a place to have breakfast, they enter the small and rather quiet restaurant.

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