The whole time the shining lady next to the bimbo was giving me glares and looks of disgust.

Next to the bimbo and the shining lady was a little girl who I assumed was their daughter. And next to the little girl was another female bur she wore a very tight crop top and hot shorts.

She also was giving me looks of disgust.

I walked away from the bimbo and his chipmunks and go to Adrian's room to see if he's okay.

"Adrian? Are you inside?" I asked. "Yes come in Amelia." He said quietly.

He seemed so sad and tired mentally and it hurt to see him like that. It truly hurt my heart seeing him anything but well and happy.

He was sitting on his bed and he looked like he was regretting his whole existence.

"Adrian I just came to check if you are doing well. I can leave if you want me to." I said, sitting next to him and looking at him.

"No don't leave. Cam you please come with me to greet them?" He asked looking into my eyes.

His eyes were practically begging for me to say yes and that's what I did.

"Of course Adrian. After all I'm always with you." I said quietly.

His face brightened a bit and he held my hand and walked out of his room.

I kinda felt nervous meeting them again because now I was next to Adrian and holding his warm, soft hands in mine.

But I wasn't going to leave Adrian alone to face the beast.

Adrian looked at me, and saw my nose red. "Why is your nose red?" He asked.

"I smashed it into the wall while chasing Chris. That's when your father heard me curse and scolded me. But he's dead wrong to think he could offend me with his stupid opinion." I said rubbing my nose that still hurt.

Adrian smiled a bit and said. "I'm sorry that you have to deal with my stupid father."

"Adrian don't worry let's just go." I said smiling at him.

When me and Adrian walked into the living room Adrian tensed up and stopped walking.

The girl that was dressed like a whore was glaring at me. I don't know why I didn't even say a word to her but she doesn't like me from the looks of it.

Adrian held my hand tighter and started walking up to his father.

"Hello son. How are yo- oh why are you holding hands? Don't tell me you like this slut! She disrespected me. And you are holding her hand?!" His father yelled.

"I did not disrespect you. You literally called me a useless ugly maid." I said looking at him bluntly.

"See! She's talking back!" He shouted. With rage in his voice.

"Father she didn't do anything! Don't you dare talk to her like that! Or I will burn you alive and you know I can and will!" Adrian yelled at his father.

Fuck yes! Show him Adrian!

His father didn't like that Adrian stood up for me, but he shut up and didn't say anything.

Dominic pulled Adrian's father by the arm and said. "I would like to have a word with you Joseph."

Oh no not the talk.

My dad and Adrian's dad go up the stairs for the "talk" and Adrian greeted him mother.

"Hey Cynthia! I missed you!" Adrian said excitingly. I looked at him and saw him hugging the little cutie.

My Bright LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora