First Time Meeting

Start from the beginning

Marinette's POV - 

As our group came to a halt, we stood face-to-face with a boy who appeared to be around my age. Mr. Drake, our teacher, began to introduce him, but the boy interrupted him abruptly. "Thanks, Dick, but I'll introduce myself. I'm Damien Watson, and I'll be joining your class on this trip." I couldn't help but notice that his name seemed different from what I had expected. Damien Wayne, as I had heard, but perhaps he had his reasons for concealing his true identity. It might be for the best, considering the attention he would attract, especially from LIE-LA.

And that's when Miss Perfect started to flirt with Wayne. "Hey, Damien, hello~ I'm Lila," she purred, taking his hand and caressing his thumb with her own. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and you look quite handsome." Oh, dear, I had never heard such a terrible pick-up line in my life. Not to mention her English was quite atrocious. Wayne seemed uncomfortable, so he gently shrugged off her hand and took a step back, replying with a simple "Same here." One by one, everyone in the group introduced themselves with handshakes, but Wayne appeared less interested. Finally, it was my turn. Well, to be honest, I had considered skipping my introduction, but that crazy Mr. Drake called me up specifically. Surprisingly, that caught Wayne's attention.

"Miss, may I have your name, please?" Wayne inquired, his curiosity piqued as I stood at the back of my class. I hesitated for a moment before responding, "I am the Class Representative of the French class. That's all you need to know... Well, excuse me, I must take my leave. I have work to do, and you can proceed with your plans. Mrs. Bustier, I have prepared all the charts you requested before we boarded the plane, and I have just sent them to you. Please review them personally, and if there are any changes, simply text me." As I spoke in English, I noticed everyone's perplexed expressions. Realizing my mistake, I quickly translated my words into French, saying, "Mme Bustier, j'ai préparé toutes les cartes que vous m'avez demandées avant de monter dans l'avion et je viens de vous les envoyer. Veuillez les examiner personnellement, et si des modifications sont nécessaires, envoyez-moi simplement un SMS."

After leaving the airport, I was immediately surrounded by a massive crowd of my fans. Being a well-known figure in Gotham, I had to be extra cautious to ensure my safety. Making my way through the enthusiastic crowd, I headed towards my "apartment" in Gotham. This temporary residence had been arranged by Plagg, my trusty companion.

After settling in and unpacking my belongings, I organized my weapons in a large box, ensuring they were safely stored

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After settling in and unpacking my belongings, I organized my weapons in a large box, ensuring they were safely stored. I dedicated one room for my design work and musical equipment, as creativity played a significant role in my life. Given the attention I received in Gotham, I always carried face masks and caps to blend in with the crowd and maintain my anonymity. The people of Gotham seemed particularly fond of ice skating, which added to the challenge of staying incognito.

With my unpacking complete, I found myself with a pile of unfinished notes and tasks that needed to be addressed. School awaited me the next day, but before that, I had a crucial meeting with Plagg regarding missions in Gotham. It was essential to discuss our plans and stay ahead of any potential threats. Following the meeting, I had to focus on designing for VIP clients and meeting upcoming deadlines. The workload was demanding, but I was determined to excel in all aspects of my life.

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