Domestic Routine Part. 4

Comincia dall'inizio

Perth hangs up and waves down a taxi before climbing inside the car. He sends a text to Godt with a threatening tone and clicks off his phone. Upon reaching his destination, Perth knocks on a door that opens with music playing in the background. 

"I thought you wouldn't make it!" A tall guy with a warm smile greets him. 

"I just needed a detour. Where's my drink, Dew?" Dew throws his arm around Perth and hands him a beer. Perth takes a huge gulp and walks in, shutting the door behind them. He ignores the number of people staring at him in groups and goes to greet a smaller group in the back. 

"There he is!!" A mixed-Caucasian with light-brown eyes smirks haughtily. He pulls Perth towards his side and licks him on the neck. 

"Stop it!" Perth hisses, touching his wet neck. "We're not in Australia so keep your hands to yourself before Lee kills me in a dark alley!" 

"He doesn't mind. He knows who you are. Unless you're finally dating, then I'll back off," He licks his lips teasingly. 

"You're dating?" A calm voice greets the table, taking the other side. He hugs the light-eyed dude and pecks a kiss on his lips. "Perth is dating?" 

"NO!!" Perth snaps. "Seriously, Fluke, stop giving your boyfriend ideas. Lee, I'm not dating." 

"Aww... And I thought we can finally have an orgy with each other~" Fluke teases with a dark glint. "Remember we once kissed during the graduation party?" 

Perth groans and smacks his head for remembering the memories. "I'm still unable to believe Lee didn't stop us." 

Lee laughs and takes a sip of beer. "Well, I'm not threatened by you so it's fine. You're our lil' baby brother." 

Perth rolls his eyes and chugs his beer. Opening another can, he takes another gulp. "For reference, I don't remember agreeing to an orgy if I start dating." 

Lee chuckles. "My boy is extremely possessive so so far, he's only fine with you joining us. On a side note, we need to see your future partner anyway so I can make sure I'm okay with him touching my Fluke." 


Perth unknowingly corrects in his mind. He feels lighter hanging out with them. They are the family he has when he moved to Queensland. Fluke was his colleague and best friend. And then he befriended Lee after they started dating. Dew was the quirky friend that came along. 

After a few beers, Perth excuses himself for a toilet break. Walking back to the table, he bumps into a broad chest and stumbles back drunkenly. He meets a pair of teasing eyes, reminding him of Suthapong. 

"Hello, pretty boy." He drawls sexily. 

Perth gulps and pictures Suthapong again. 

"Single? Free?" 

Perth blinks and nods. Slowly. 





"We should do this more often," Krist smiles in Singto's arms, a bowl of popcorn lays between his legs. They spend the night binge-watching local drama airing on their television. Krist decides to have a snack during an episode of his recent favourite show which turns into a marathon with his husband. 

"This show is really good. I wish I paid attention to my university years. I may score a head hazer as my wife too." Singto jokes before a pillow hit him square in the head. He laughs seeing Krist's pouting expression. "I'm joking love." 

"You better be! Or I'll make a visit to the GMMTV building and slaughter this actor for seducing my husband." Krist glares at the screen, watching the on-screen couple hide their pain during their first date to a movie. "Idiot!! Why do you have to hurt your nong?" 

"Yes yes. I only have eyes for you~" Singto smiles and plants a kiss on Krist's ear. "But seriously, this guy is overthinking everything. Look how his nong is hurt by his words." 

"It's the 14th episode! He better fixes their relationship! Stupid Arthit!" Krist frowns and scolds the screen. 

"I feel so sorry for Kongpob... But he is a little oblivious too. I mean who says about having kids when you're on a date with a guy?!" Singto snorts. "Goody two-shoes!" 

"Hey! Kongpob is my favourite!! No bad-mouthing him!" Krist pouts again. "I don't want to see him cry again." 

"Wait, he cried? Why?" 

"Because the stupid Arthit rejected his confession! No... He didn't even let the nong finish confessing! I mean, who does that?!" Krist blasts his anger. His heart broke for Kongpob when he watched that episode days ago, along with continuous crying that gave him puffy red eyes. 

"Okay... I'm not liking this Arthit person. You're right. I'm glad I didn't fall for a head hazer. I just need you in my life," Singto kisses his neck. "This series is ending soon?" 

Krist nods. "One more episode. But there's SOTUS S so it's season 2. I wonder if it'll be good." 

"Why do you ask?" 

Because most series, the first season is always the best. Mmm... P'Sing?" 

"Yes, love?" 

"Shall we stop after the last episode? We have time for dessert..." 

"I thought you have forgotten about it~" Singto smiles. 






Ding Dong!

Suthapong curses and tries to get up but failed. "Ai Knott! Someone is at the door! F-f-fvckkkk..." 

"At least cum first. Whoever rings the doorbell can wait," Thanawat plunges deeper, feeling him clench tighter. He pushes Suthapong down, pinning his head onto the pillow before slamming his hips mercilessly. 

Suthapong muffles his moans and grabs Thanawat for a passionate kiss. He squeezes tighter and bites his ear. "Cum with me?" 

Thanawat nods and quickens his thrusts before climaxing with a grunt. He flops on top of Suthapong and nuzzles his neck. 

"Take a rest. I'll answer the door." 

"Are you sure they're still out there?" 

"I'll check." 

Thananat slips on his boxers and walks to the front door. Knowing it is dark, he does not check the viewfinder and opens the door. 

A pair of red eyes greets him. A sob escapes. 

Perth stands at the door with a man holding him tight. Thanawat is lost for words. The man lets go of Perth and march up to strike a punch. 

Thanawat stumbles back and hits the door, alerting Suthapong. The man turns back and picks Perth in his arms, leaving without a word. 

"Knott? What happened? Who's that?" Suthapong limps forward.

"Perth. I think he misunderstood us." 



Happy Valentines' Day! Pushed myself to write a chapter for this special occasion. 

My sister proposed SOTUS so here we are! I hope you liked that little domestic situation~

As for our throuple... What will happen next? 

My Moon is My Life (KristSingto)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora