Special chapter; HD's past

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during the first great war. thousands of Survivalist is slaughtered by the entities. HD parents is one of them. after his village destroyed, HD stay hidden beneath the ruins. hoping someone will help him. at that time he was 14 years old.


I can't sleep like this, it's too cold. I keep awake with 2 sticks as my weapon. it's been a week since the last time I saw an Undead. luckily, they think everyone is dead.

My tears poured from my eyes, my parents face... I miss them, I just hope I could help them back there, Instead of running. My heart felt hurt. I grabbed my moms hairpin closely and tried to stop crying.

all of sudden, I hear a horse. I take the stick and crawls out of the ruins. I climbs the ruins and trying to get a better view. I see a few people, they're not Undead. I tried to find the banner, in case they're PvP. it turns out, they're Mediavalist. "Trustable," I mumbled. I tried to sneak behind their lines 

I get inside one of the cart. when suddenly, one of them caught me up and takes me to his friend. I swinged my stick and hit his leg. causing him to fell. the others notice us and chases after me.

I panicked, and ran away. suddenly, a cobble wall blocked my way, as a man who seems to be the leader approached me. I swinged my sticks once more before he dodge, and throw it away.

"What is your name?" He asked.

I shocked, I don't feel any hatred inside of this man.

"HD," I replied.

"My name is Myth, are you a Survivalist?" He asked back.

"I am," I answer.

"Do you want me to help you?" Myth asked.

"What do you mean?" I said, I was confused.

"I have a Succesor, but he is unable to fight. if you can guard him, I'll supplies you with food, clothes, weapons, and place to live," Myth said calmly.

I thinking for a Moment, and then I decided, I'll do it, as long as I can live.

Myth takes me to Metheora. turns out, I am not the last Survivalist. Metheora helps around 567 other homeless Survivalist like me. after took me to one of the tent, he said this to me as he brings a 17 years boy to my tent.

"This is Master Builder, the succesor. you have to guards him alright? there will be 3 more survivalist who'll works with you,"

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